- --Charles Lieberman, PhD- NYPD Commander/FBI Task Force---Co-President
National Security & Public Safety Director Director
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice
University of New Haven---infra Yale (Political Science, I-R, MPA, DPM_PP)--ARPA/DARPA-
MS-Intelligence Management (International, Federal, State + Local)_
John T Choi,
B.S. MIT--Harvard (Computer Science Architecture) + Applied Math
Yi Suen Shin Senior V. President----
Cape Elizabeth, ME
Senior/Associate Creative Director--Shaun Van Beverhaudt & Glen X . Francis--, MBA
A Non Profit Organization Group on "Mindfullness" + Hope of Calmness + Peace of Heart, Mind, Body & Soul + & Understanding Cyber-Issues in Inter-Disciplinary Format---in light of Spec. Opps. Discusiion of the Local, State, Nation State + Global Evaluation + Assessment of "where to plug into" a DIGITALChrono-Meter of Understanding Current Public Affairs in Government, Infra-Structure + Financial World +
Culture . As also to Contribute Humane Letters of "Discourse" for Understanding International Conflict + Civil Unrest in Politics + Social + Economic Exchange for Equity for the Poor & Human Rights Across the Globe-
2. To Understand the cross-exchange of political economy+ Cyber-Technology + Global Consequence + Preventionof Cyber-Crime, Terrorism + Warfare, hopefully with not a proliferation of WMD's + WWWIII. In the West & Middle East & Far East------Clearance w. White Papers--Tactical Strategic Policy + Technology Reviews--under the Most Strict Screening Test--for all Staff+& those who wish to contribute to this SCPC-Pro-List Inst., & Letters----
3. Digital Conferencing from SKYPE or MPEG+ (or the most current Graphics Videos of Face to Face Screening Technology----for Future of Graphic WEBINAR LECTURE SERIES---)
4. & Lastly--to Publish in the Content + Policy -NARRATIVE TEXTS+ "Asiatic-Hybrid Genre" of Philosophy + History =both Ancient, Classical + Late Modern---yet "conservative-liberal"***** (phrase coined by Nicholas Birns-)+++- of TS.Eliot + Graham Green, Evelyn Waugh & WH Auden + Anthony Powell understanding English + Anglo-American Diplomacy + Military Philosophy (in Europe (both Eastern + Western + Asia Minor + Asia Proper--with the Dharma Seal, Crucifux Seal of Holy Spirit+Magdala Davidica+ Dharma Seal + the Way of the Tao + "Post" Late Modern Understanding Theology, as Not "language of words,"but words of language"---+++W.B. Yeats: "How can you separate a dancer from the dance (Ipso Converso)?" & w. Pressing International Issues+++
Editor, Publisher + Ceo-President--Publisher Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D
CIO--Mr Larry Morisson--Project Manager
Executive Senior Silla-Tang Editor-Nicholas Birns, PhD + Co-President---
Gautama & Chandu Ramakrishna, MD------General Secretariat--
Koryeo--Han Senior Vice President----Robert Turley
Executive Senior Vice Chang K. Shek Vice Pres.--Ben X. Liu
Senior Assoc. Creative Directors-Shaun Van Beverhaudt + Glen Francix--B, MBA
To Be Affiliated John Jay College/City University of New York Graduate
Center--PM=Philosophy+ Crj + I-T+/Econ---or Not to Be, Not, Right--
I Say + have lived my time of "dying' (Led Zepelin) since NYU til Now
--"All bets are on."
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