New York University, BA-Highest Departmental Honors in toto cum [3.875999.....] + Undeclared Minor--English & American Literature, Philosophy, Latin Classics,
RA--to Dr Barry Latzer--data collection for his Treatise on State Constitutional Law/Constitutional Law + Death Penalty 1995--2000
Criminal Justice 101 @ John Jay College
City University of New York Graduate Center---1995-2010--Ph.D Criminal Justice & Criminology/Cyber-Security
& Research Methodology + Mixed (Quantitative--Qualitative Models of General Intelligence + Investigative Models
for International, Federal + State + Local Cyber-Defense + Prevention of Cyber-Crime, Terrorism + Warfare
Mentor--Dr Prof F.Warren Ned Benton, Advisor-- Dr Prof John Ian Kleinig---Advisor--Adina Schwartz, JD, Ph.D
+++++Ph.D Thesis--"Cyber-Surveillance: A Case Study in Policy & Development"
Liason Contact w. Director--Consortium of National Security + Risk Analysis- Kenen Inst. of Engineering & Mathematical Statistics: Duke, University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill, North Carolina State=Dept. of Statistics
Audited MS in Cyber-Criminological Inter-Disciplinary Studies w. Dr Richard Lovely, Program Director--MS. Forensic Computing & Cyber-Security, John Jay College & Studied with Prof Michael Fabozzi, NYP Captain/Commander-US Federal Marshall & Consultant to FBI Sponsored (Cyber-Crime, Terrorism, + Warfare @ Dartmouth College--) 2003-2005/6'
Recruited to Stanford's Professional Development Open Source + Access for ADVANCED CYBER-SECURTITY ANALYSIS--CERTIFICATION L.I.C.--by Ash Snow, Program Cordinator--PCS--
M.Phil--City University of New York Graduate Center--Oral Fields Specialization---Philosophy of Social Science & Penal Theory + Policy+Research Design Methods--Chair--Mentor--Adina Schwartz, JD, PhD, Micheal Jacobson,
Ph.D, Dennis Kenney, Ph.D
MA, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)--In re Cultural Criticism of 19 C. Anglo-French Criminology + Behavioral Science--Mentor--Dr Mary Gibson
New York University, BA-Highest Departmental Honors in toto cum [3.875999.....] + Undeclared Minor--English & American Literature, Philosophy, Latin Classics,
Asian Studies--1995 + SUNY Purchase College (Endowed by the John Rockefeller Foundation)--Advanced Literature Course Seminar--James Joyce & Advanced Creative Writing 1--enrolled + matriculate in Summer Professional & Continuing Education Program (1990+ 112)--transferred courses to NYU-which with Purchase is a 5 Circle Group--Yale, Julliard, NYU, Purchase & Cincinnati BFA/MFA Program.
Awards + Achievement--Undergraduate Honors Studies
NYU College of Arts & Science Scholarship (Tuition Remission), 1980-90'
Selection for Nomination to Rhodes Scholarship, 1993
Phi Beta Kappa, 1994
Foundation & University Scholar Award, 1994
PhD Program in Criminal Justice & Criminology @ John Jay College of Criminal Justice & Criminology
Robert E. Gilleece Fellow--1995-200
University Teaching Fellow--2000-2003
Research Fellow 20010 (Open)--Present
Viz. Associate Research Faculty Fellow
PhD Dissertation: "Cyber-Surveillance: A Case Study in Policy & Development" won a National Award for top
Ph.D Research + "Influence" & with U of HK + (Chinese Library--UHK, Tawain National University
+ Free Independent Zone "alter" Red Land China--& Italian College + University Bok Sellers---
Recruited to Harvard Divinity School--(sic anon--Dr John Maynard (Chair--Emeritus-NYU English Dept + Dr Roger Deakins, Society of Harvard Fellows) by Associate Dean of Admission--Ms Adele Shin, Pro MIDV, STM(2014 Winter), MDIV, STM--& Yale Divinity School--Berkeley Episcopal Theological Seminary--MDIV, STM--Assist. Dean of Admissions--Robert McVoy---(2011-14'), pro MDIV, STM
APPS (Cand.) Foundation House/Oxford University, Christ Church College--Advanced Cognate in Fields=PhD Theological Studies--Thesis--"Quantum--Relative Structures of Belief+ Medieval Sources of Historiagrophy of Christian Pesonialism (Roman & Anglicanism) + Fundamental Sacral Interpretion of Won Hyo & Nichiren Liberal Interpretiation of "Awakening of
Faith Sutra: Commentary"
Supervisor & Mentor in E-Correspondence--Karl Manheim Professor of Philosophy + History of Social Science--John H. Morgan---
Thesis Prospectus: "Quantum-Relative Structures of Belief & "Ortho"--Doxastic Insight to Personalism
or Tillich & Rahner & A Commentary & Remarks: Won Hyo + Nichiren's "Awakening of the Faith."
RA--to Dr Barry Latzer--data collection for his Treatise on State Constitutional Law/Constitutional Law + Death Penalty 1995--2000
RA--Dr Robert Sullivan, data collection, as doctoral reviewer of his (work in progress) on Politics, Philosophy & Crime, 1995-2000
RA--Distinguished Visiting Professor--Gilbert Geis, Past President of American Society of Criminal Justice (Archival Reserarch+
RA--Distinguished Broeklundian Prof. Robert Kelly, National Science Faculty Fellow--in re Map of Human Traffiking Trade from China, Europe to West to America--
RA--William Heffernan, JD, Ph.D--Director, MA Criminal Justice Program---"Issues in Constitutional Interpretation of Privacy"--did data collection of Extensive/Intensive cases--published University of Wisconsin Law Rev.--V 7. Spring, 2000
Teaching Couses Taught @ 2000--2009-
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Criminal Justice 101 @ John Jay College
Law & Society Jr/Sr Elective@Fordham University
Law Society & Civil Rights (Jr/Sr Elective)@ Hunter College
Public Administration 101@John Jay College_
Courts & the Judicial System, Jr/Sr Elective@John Jay College
Social Deviance @Fordham University
Law & Society @St Thomas Aquinas College--NYU
Computer Applications in Criminal Justice--co-taught--with Prof. Margret
"Maggie" Smith
Asiatic Philosophy @ Fordham Inst., of Language & American Culture, 05'
Appointed as Adjunct Advanced Doctoral Dissertation Mentor--North Central University--
Center for NSA + Homeland Security & Graduate School of Excellence--
courses assigned 1)Criminal Justice Ethics, 2)Trans-national Organized Crime, 3)CSI: Procedure, Evidence-Penal Law+ Jurisprudence of Forensic (both Criminal + Civil) Prosecution + Defense--4)Webinar: 1-to-1 Orals Fields to Mentor, ABD Reserch for Dissertation Proposal Defense (Declined)
Received a Letter of Commendation by Senior Vice President of John Jay College for excellence in teaching & lecturing promoted meto be a candidate to teach Research Methods 101 in PAD, MPA via Dr Natasha Frost-------------
Received a Letter of Commendation by the Chair for Excellence + Teaching + Lecturing, Hunter College, CUNY
My Dissertation has been sold on global WWW USA, England, India, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany & Canada, Australia, France + Italy, Sweden, Italy, Australia, University of Hong Kong, (WWW, Viz., Library of China w. E--or Print Media Textbook Retailers +
As also with (Italian Library--Booksellers, France, as with contract of 3rd Party Retail Market Publisher+
in which I have received a national award from the US Department of Education---Published by Verlag, Marburg + Munich----, Amazon.UK,, Indigo Publisher & Division of TA--TA MOTORS, BOMBAY--E. India Company---
Google Ad Preference--NSA.COM, UNIX/LYNXIS, Oracle, SISCO, Foreign Policy Review, Cyber-Policy, Foreign Relations
Rand White Paper's--"In Athena's Company" + Public Source--
ranked by E-Digital Library--"As in the case+++a new literature of facts (VIZ., Roger Deakin's understandings Social-Literary & Political Media---as Meta--Ficition/Narrative/Theatre--see--Harold Bloom's on the "Melancholy of grave illness
of Morbid Bile of the Organs--(internal Chinese Medicine of dysfunction of the kidney + liver) with Bloom's Land Mark
Text: THE MAP OF MISREADING--as new Critical "Norton" Editorial Reading of Intelligence Function--"truth of facts mirrors
truth" & human error & fallibility---we are left with "Drones" + Machine Clones---"all things said, ceteris paribus--as
"Journalistic Reportage in communicado--with Roger Deakins+ Post-Structural Narrative of MACBETH--&PURJURED EYE--"Toward a True Sense of "Deconstruction" & Undertanding Texts of the "Allegory of Evil + Battle with all that is "Evil" leading to death of
innocence, goodness, wholeness as SANCTURARY of the Victim, wounded, and poor--oppressed + marginalized----
Classified White Papers, w. NARUS---Boeing, Global Multi-International----(Summer Article in Wall Street Journal in re ending the Terrorist + Corrupt Regime of Col. Kaddafi--Panama--S. America---)under clearance from Dr Prof Warren Ned Benton++++++++--Chair + Director Public Management + Policy+ PhD Director of Inspector-General Global, US Federal + State Legal Auditing + Monitoring Legal + Judicial + Prison Oversight Management--MS in Data Intelligence Management, Brandeis University--MS Cyber-Scurity, John Hopkins, MS Program in Cyber--Security, Penn-State. BS.MS-Cyber-Security & Risk Analysis, U of Virginia-MS. Cyber-Intelligence Management, Sacred University--
University of Maryland-University College, BS/MS Cyber_Security + Intelligence Management
Sponsored by Dept. of Defense.
Promotion in Advance Promise
(Texts under Contract Review--w. Submission of Abstract + 1-2 3 Chapters
Quantum Asiatic Logic (for query to Harvard U Press, & or MIT Press & NYU Press) (Book Categories), (Book Categories), (Book Categories)
Quantum Application: Operational Systems Analysis for Security + Privacy Concerns & Issues---[Cloud Computing
+Encryption]--"Under Contract Review--" Springer & Verlag" Senior Acquisition Editor--Ties Nijssen
Emerging Political + Social Theory= Intermesh of Quantum Logic + Indic Discourses of Classical Indic & Ortho-Doxastic
Tetralemma Balance with National Security & Privacy--" Cambridge UP) Robert Dreesen + Amanda Smith
Compendium + Teaching Manual for the Reading Course (in Progress) 5 Vol.--of "Surveillance, Crime & Philosophy & Culture" & Shared Books--in Partnership with Princeton U, U of Chicago & Routledge + Francis & Taylor--promoted at as E-Trade Academic Reference Manual---
SY R/ONLINE REFERENCE/wiki--AECYCLOPEDIA-Syracuse Law School with Co-Joint Program in Law + Policy (infra Maxwell School of Public Management + Policy---+ Newly Established Strategic Center-(Division of Cyber-Crime, Terrorism, & Warfare-----------------------
Made 5 Vol. towards a Teaching Primer + Code Book to using the SCPC (a course blog Reading Text by in Process with Google.Publication+SharedBooks in Partnership w. Princeton UP, U of Chicago Press, Routledge & Francis & Taylor Books
Abstract + Concept Paper submitted to International Journal of Cyber-Criminology--"North Korean Crisis-South Korean + USA Shield Policy & Frame Analysis of Dept. of Defense, (and now submitted)=Secretary of State--(accepted in 30 Minutes from India + London) Summer 2011
Abstract Accepted--NISTA/PISTA--"History of Electronic Wire Surveillance from early 20th Century to Cyber-Surveillance of the Future."
Voted in by Google Blog Addressing National Security +Privacy (as complimentary Balance) of NS interests+ Expectation (Both Individual Liberties Interests + Infrastrutural Private to Public Interests +Agency Analysis--
Ranked 10 out of a Group Blogs of Top 20 Journals
E-Digital Library--"RANKED PERFECT 5 OUT OF 5, AS "Genius Dissertation of.......of NEO-LITERATURA FACTIONIS" (of Facts)
Membership & Association
Philosophy of Logic (Wiki Project,
Ideogram (International Society of Logic of Language + Linguistics)
Abbot Society (Monastic Philosophy of "Tradition of Cenebitic Monasticism
Order of Hermits--SS Thomas & Bartholomew-of Churches of Asia--
Shin-Ran Society, Kyoto, Kamakura (Dharma.Net)
Applied Logic Group--List.serv. Member & Recruiter to (University of London Consortium
on Ph.D Applied Systems Logic & Data Intelligence Computer Code & Program Model As
***C-S & Data Intelligence & Management + (Philosophy for Next 1,000 years)****,
Problem + Decision Making AL--Syntax + Grammars as Rule of Logic
transcendental + realism (as immanence) both recursively
referential as signifying nominalism, but realist (in action philosophy of the Late
Oxford U, Balliol College--Distinguished Prof. Joseph Raz + John Guiness---)
Now Recruiter
International Society of Wing Chun Kung Fu & School of Chinese Martial +
Temple Style Han Moo Kwan (Chinese + Mongolian Style of Tae Kwon Do
Temple Style Han Moo Kwan (Chinese + Mongolian Style of Tae Kwon Do
Hong Kong + Vancouver, Taiwan, Europe, San Francisico, NY, NY---
attn: Great Grand Master David Kwan--Dae Dae Sifu--- Philosophy
with Training of Benedictine OSB Monks in Meditative Movenent +
Tai Chi Forms--under the Supervision the Twin Brothers, Great Grand-Master
Shin-Ran Society, Kyoto-Kamakura
Phi Beta Kappa
Google Directory of Religious Studies, Philosophy, Theology Blogs-& Journals
list in Google Archive in re Oriental & East Rite Churches (of all Confessions + mainly
SIno-Korean Latin w. Church of Rome, + Anglican Church of Korea via Church of
England attn: Federation of 5 Tiger Nations w. Episcopal Churches of Asia--- Anglican Google. WWW-----
Google Directory of Compendium & List of Hinayana + Mayahana Open Source Texts
& References& Access of Classical & Modern Buddhist Texts + Sutra, Koans + Buddhist
Community of Monks & Priest of Conjugal Orders--+ Celibate
Senior Cyber-Contract Consultant/Analyst--US Naval.Mil.Intel-DIA, DoD
attn: Ms Laura Grubb-Executive Administrative Assistant to High Admiral
(Director) Cyber-Intelligence, Terrorism & Warfare------
References Available on Request
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Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D
New York University, BA-Highest Departmental Honors in toto cum [3.875999.....] + Undeclared Minor--English & American Literature, Philosophy, Latin Classics,
RA--to Dr Barry Latzer--data collection for his Treatise on State Constitutional Law/Constitutional Law + Death Penalty 1995--2000
Criminal Justice 101 @ John Jay College
1 Mayhew Ave
Larchmont, NY 10583
City University of New York Graduate Center---1995-2010--Ph.D Criminal Justice & Criminology/Cyber-Security
& Research Methodology + Mixed (Quantitative--Qualitative Models of General Intelligence + Investigative Models
for International, Federal + State + Local Cyber-Defense + Prevention of Cyber-Crime, Terrorism + Warfare
Mentor--Dr Prof F.Warren Ned Benton, Advisor-- Dr Prof John Ian Kleinig---Advisor--Adina Schwartz, JD, Ph.D
+++++Ph.D Thesis--"Cyber-Surveillance: A Case Study in Policy & Development"
Liason Contact w. Director--Consortium of National Security + Risk Analysis- Kenen Inst. of Engineering & Mathematical Statistics: Duke, University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill, North Carolina State=Dept. of Statistics
Audited MS in Cyber-Criminological Inter-Disciplinary Studies w. Dr Richard Lovely, Program Director--MS. Forensic Computing & Cyber-Security, John Jay College & Studied with Prof Michael Fabozzi, NYP Captain/Commander-US Federal Marshall & Consultant to FBI Sponsored (Cyber-Crime, Terrorism, + Warfare @ Dartmouth College--) 2003-2005/6'
Recruited to Stanford's Professional Development Open Source + Access for ADVANCED CYBER-SECURTITY ANALYSIS--CERTIFICATION L.I.C.--by Ash Snow, Program Cordinator--PCS--
M.Phil--City University of New York Graduate Center--Oral Fields Specialization---Philosophy of Social Science & Penal Theory + Policy+Research Design Methods--Chair--Mentor--Adina Schwartz, JD, PhD, Micheal Jacobson,
Ph.D, Dennis Kenney, Ph.D
MA, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)--In re Cultural Criticism of 19 C. Anglo-French Criminology + Behavioral Science--Mentor--Dr Mary Gibson
New York University, BA-Highest Departmental Honors in toto cum [3.875999.....] + Undeclared Minor--English & American Literature, Philosophy, Latin Classics,
Asian Studies--1995 + SUNY Purchase College (Endowed by the John Rockefeller Foundation)--Advanced Literature Course Seminar--James Joyce & Advanced Creative Writing 1--enrolled + matriculate in Summer Professional & Continuing Education Program (1990+ 112)--transferred courses to NYU-which with Purchase is a 5 Circle Group--Yale, Julliard, NYU, Purchase & Cincinnati BFA/MFA Program.
Awards + Achievement--Undergraduate Honors Studies
NYU College of Arts & Science Scholarship (Tuition Remission), 1980-90'
Selection for Nomination to a Rhodes Scholarship, 1993
Phi Beta Kappa, 1994
Foundation & University Scholar Award, 1994
PhD Program in Criminal Justice & Criminology @ John Jay College of Criminal Justice & Criminology
Robert E. Gilleece Fellow--1995-200
University Teaching Fellow--2000-2003
Research Fellow 20010 (Open)--Present
Viz. Associate Research Faculty Fellow
PhD Dissertation: "Cyber-Surveillance: A Case Study in Policy & Development" won a National Award for top
Ph.D Research + "Influence" & with U of HK + (Chinese Library--UHK, Tawain National University
+ Free Independent Zone "alter" Red Land China--& Italian College + University Bok Sellers---
Recruited to Harvard Divinity School--(sic anon--Dr John Maynard (Chair--Emeritus-NYU English Dept + Dr Roger Deakins, Society of Harvard Fellows) by Associate Dean of Admission--Ms Adele Shin (2014 Winter), MDIV, STM--& Yale Divinity School--Berkeley Episcopal Theological Seminary--MDIV, STM--Assist. Dean of Admissions--Robert McVoy---(2011-14')
APPS (Cand.) Foundation House/Oxford University, Christ Church College--Advanced Cognate in Fields=PhD Theological Studies--Thesis--"Quantum--Relative Structures of Belief+ Medieval Sources of Historiagrophy of Christian Pesonialism (Roman & Anglicanism) + Fundamental Sacral Interpretion of Won Hyo & Nichiren Liberal Interpretiation of "Awakening of
Faith Sutra: Commentary"
Supervisor & Mentor in E-Correspondence--Karl Manheim Professor of Philosophy + History of Social Science--John H. Morgan---
Thesis Prospectus: "Quantum-Relative Structures of Belief & "Ortho"--Doxastic Insight to Personalism
or Tillich & Rahner & A Commentary & Remarks: Won Hyo + Nichiren's "Awakening of the Faith."
RA--to Dr Barry Latzer--data collection for his Treatise on State Constitutional Law/Constitutional Law + Death Penalty 1995--2000
RA--Dr Robert Sullivan, data collection, as doctoral reviewer of his (work in progress) on Politics, Philosophy & Crime, 1995-2000
RA--Distinguished Visiting Professor--Gilbert Geis, Past President of American Society of Criminal Justice (Archival Reserarch+
RA--Distinguished Broeklundian Prof. Robert Kelly, National Science Faculty Fellow--in re Map of Human Traffiking Trade from China, Europe to West to America--
RA--William Heffernan, JD, Ph.D--Director, MA Criminal Justice Program---"Issues in Constitutional Interpretation of Privacy"--did data collection of Extensive/Intensive cases--published University of Wisconsin Law Rev.--V 7. Spring, 2000
Teaching Couses Taught @ 2000--2009-
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Criminal Justice 101 @ John Jay College
Law & Society Jr/Sr Elective@Fordham University
Law Society & Civil Rights (Jr/Sr Elective)@ Hunter College
Public Administration 101@John Jay College_
Courts & the Judicial System, Jr/Sr Elective@John Jay College
Social Deviance @Fordham University
Law & Society @St Thomas Aquinas College--NYU
Computer Applications in Criminal Justice--co-taught--with Prof. Margret
"Maggie" Smith
Asiatic Philosophy @ Fordham Inst., of Language & American Culture, 05'
Appointed as Adjunct Advanced Doctoral Dissertation Mentor--North Central University--
Center for NSA + Homeland Security & Graduate School of Excellence--
courses assigned 1)Criminal Justice Ethics, 2)Trans-national Organized Crime, 3)CSI: Procedure, Evidence-Penal Law+ Jurisprudence of Forensic (both Criminal + Civil) Prosecution + Defense--4)Webinar: 1-to-1 Orals Fields to Mentor, ABD Reserch for Dissertation Proposal Defense (Declined)
Received a Letter of Commendation by Senior Vice President of John Jay College for excellence in teaching & lecturing promoted meto be a candidate to teach Research Methods 101 in PAD, MPA via Dr Natasha Frost-------------
Received a Letter of Commendation by the Chair for Excellence + Teaching + Lecturing, Hunter College, CUNY
My Dissertation has been sold on global WWW USA, England, India, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany & Canada, Australia, France + Italy, Sweden, Italy, Australia, University of Hong Kong, (WWW, Viz., Library of China w. E--or Print Media Textbook Retailers +
As also with (Italian Library--Booksellers, France, as with contract of 3rd Party Retail Market Publisher+
in which I have received a national award from the US Department of Education---Published by Verlag, Marburg + Munich----, Amazon.UK,, Indigo Publisher & Division of TA--TA MOTORS, BOMBAY--E. India Company---
Google Ad Preference--NSA.COM, UNIX/LYNXIS, Oracle, SISCO, Foreign Policy Review, Cyber-Policy, Foreign Relations
Rand White Paper's--"In Athena's Company" + Public Source--
ranked by E-Digital Library--"As in the case+++a new literature of facts (VIZ., Roger Deakin's understandings Social-Literary & Political Media---as Meta--Ficition/Narrative/Theatre--see--Harold Bloom's on the "Melancholy of grave illness
of Morbid Bile of the Organs--(internal Chinese Medicine of dysfunction of the kidney + liver) with Bloom's Land Mark
Text: THE MAP OF MISREADING--as new Critical "Norton" Editorial Reading of Intelligence Function--"truth of facts mirrors
truth" & human error & fallibility---we are left with "Drones" + Machine Clones---"all things said, ceteris paribus--as
"Journalistic Reportage in communicado--with Roger Deakins+ Post-Structural Narrative of MACBETH--&PURJURED EYE--"Toward a True Sense of "Deconstruction" & Undertanding Texts of the "Allegory of Evil + Battle with all that is "Evil" leading to death of
innocence, goodness, wholeness as SANCTURARY of the Victim, wounded, and poor--oppressed + marginalized----
Classified White Papers, w. NARUS---Boeing, Global Multi-International----(Summer Article in Wall Street Journal in re ending the Terrorist + Corrupt Regime of Col. Kaddafi--Panama--S. America---)under clearance from Dr Prof Warren Ned Benton++++++++--Chair + Director Public Management + Policy+ PhD Director of Inspector-General Global, US Federal + State Legal Auditing + Monitoring Legal + Judicial + Prison Oversight Management--MS in Data Intelligence Management, Brandeis University--MS Cyber-Scurity, John Hopkins, MS Program in Cyber--Security, Penn-State. BS.MS-Cyber-Security & Risk Analysis, U of Virginia-MS. Cyber-Intelligence Management, Sacred University--
University of Maryland-University College, BS/MS Cyber_Security + Intelligence Management
Sponsored by Dept. of Defense.
Promotion in Advance Promise
(Texts under Contract Review--w. Submission of Abstract + 1-2 3 Chapters
Quantum Asiatic Logic (for query to Harvard U Press, & or MIT Press & NYU Press) (Book Categories), (Book Categories), (Book Categories)
Quantum Application: Operational Systems Analysis for Security + Privacy Concerns & Issues---[Cloud Computing
+Encryption]--"Under Contract Review--" Springer & Verlag" Senior Acquisition Editor--Ties Nijssen
Emerging Political + Social Theory= Intermesh of Quantum Logic + Indic Discourses of Classical Indic & Ortho-Doxastic
Tetralemma Balance with National Security & Privacy--" Cambridge UP) Robert Dreesen + Amanda Smith
Compendium + Teaching Manual for the Reading Course (in Progress) 5 Vol.--of "Surveillance, Crime & Philosophy & Culture" & Shared Books--in Partnership with Princeton U, U of Chicago & Routledge + Francis & Taylor--promoted at as E-Trade Academic Reference Manual---
SY R/ONLINE REFERENCE/wiki--AECYCLOPEDIA-Syracuse Law School with Co-Joint Program in Law + Policy (infra Maxwell School of Public Management + Policy---+ Newly Established Strategic Center-(Division of Cyber-Crime, Terrorism, & Warfare-----------------------
Made 5 Vol. towards a Teaching Primer + Code Book to using the SCPC (a course blog Reading Text by in Process with Google.Publication+SharedBooks in Partnership w. Princeton UP, U of Chicago Press, Routledge & Francis & Taylor Books
Abstract + Concept Paper submitted to International Journal of Cyber-Criminology--"North Korean Crisis-South Korean + USA Shield Policy & Frame Analysis of Dept. of Defense, (and now submitted)=Secretary of State--(accepted in 30 Minutes from India + London) Summer 2011
Abstract Accepted--NISTA/PISTA--"History of Electronic Wire Surveillance from early 20th Century to Cyber-Surveillance of the Future."
Voted in by Google Blog Addressing National Security +Privacy (as complimentary Balance) of NS interests+ Expectation (Both Individual Liberties Interests + Infrastrutural Private to Public Interests +Agency Analysis--
Ranked 10 out of a Group Blogs of Top 20 Journals
E-Digital Library--"RANKED PERFECT 5 OUT OF 5, AS "Genius Dissertation of.......of NEO-LITERATURA FACTIONIS" (of Facts)
Membership & Association
Philosophy of Logic (Wiki Project,
Ideogram (International Society of Logic of Language + Linguistics)
Abbot Society (Monastic Philosophy of "Tradition of Cenebitic Monasticism
Order of Hermits--SS Thomas & Bartholomew-of Churches of Asia--
Shin-Ran Society, Kyoto, Kamakura (Dharma.Net)
Applied Logic Group--List.serv. Member & Recruiter to (University of London Consortium
on Ph.D Applied Systems Logic & Data Intelligence Computer Code & Program Model As
***C-S & Data Intelligence & Management + (Philosophy for Next 1,000 years)****,
Problem + Decision Making AL--Syntax + Grammars as Rule of Logic
transcendental + realism (as immanence) both recursively
referential as signifying nominalism, but realist (in action philosophy of the Late
Oxford U, Balliol College--Distinguished Prof. Joseph Raz + John Guiness---)
Now Recruiter
International Society of Wing Chun Kung Fu & School of Chinese Martial +
Temple Style Han Moo Kwan (Chinese + Mongolian Style of Tae Kwon Do
Temple Style Han Moo Kwan (Chinese + Mongolian Style of Tae Kwon Do
Hong Kong + Vancouver, Taiwan, Europe, San Francisico, NY, NY---
attn: Great Grand Master David Kwan--Dae Dae Sifu--- Philosophy
with Training of Benedictine OSB Monks in Meditative Movenent + Internal
Tai Chi Forms--under the Supervision the Twin Brothers, Great Grand-Master
Phi Beta Kappa
Google Directory of Religious Studies, Philosophy, Theology Blogs-& Journals
list in Google Archive in re Oriental & East Rite Churches (of all Confessions + mainly
SIno-Korean Latin w. Church of Rome, + Anglican Church of Korea via Church of
England attn: Federation of 5 Tiger Nations w. Episcopal Churches of Asia--- Anglican Google. WWW-----
Google Directory of Compendium & List of Hinayana + Mayahana Open Source'
& Access of Classical Modern Buddhist Texts + Sutra, Koans + Buddhist
Community of Monks & Priest of Conjugal Orders--+ Celibate
Senior Cyber-Contract Consultant/Analyst--US Naval.Mil.Intel-DIA, DoD
attn: Ms Laura Grubb-Executive Administrative Assistant to High Admiral
(Director) Cyber-Intelligence, Terrorism & Warfare-------
References Available on Request
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Dear Angela-
Hi. Hope you had a good trip. Here is my CV (up to the minute + date + honor). More so, please submit the "White Paper" in re validity, reliability, accuracy + consistency & accuracy to measure that these cyber-tools/surveillance designs are effective+++++to what it is actually it is aiming to do, for all intention+++puproses+++goals+ outcomes++++of either
Loss + Win, IFF we are reaching the target CORE of Cyber-COMBAT (on all levels + theatres). In addition, Structural Equation Modeling to further the enhance + develop the magnitude for precise & accuracy + validity+ of "target effects in light of Power to "destroy
Subject: FW: Et Finis consumatum Est--I give up my Ghost (Prep for Holy lent) as Jewish Law of Atonement of the Tribe of Judea--" Last Word of Christ in Passion Tide-- Richard S.Y Kim, Final Ed. Revise CV_Resume--pro Tek.Systems
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 14:12:47 -0400
Hi. Hope you had a good trip. Here is my CV (up to the minute + date + honor). More so, please submit the "White Paper" in re validity, reliability, accuracy + consistency & accuracy to measure that these cyber-tools/surveillance designs are effective+++++to what it is actually it is aiming to do, for all intention+++puproses+++goals+ outcomes++++of either
Loss + Win, IFF we are reaching the target CORE of Cyber-COMBAT (on all levels + theatres). In addition, Structural Equation Modeling to further the enhance + develop the magnitude for precise & accuracy + validity+ of "target effects in light of Power to "destroy
Subject: FW: Et Finis consumatum Est--I give up my Ghost (Prep for Holy lent) as Jewish Law of Atonement of the Tribe of Judea--" Last Word of Christ in Passion Tide-- Richard S.Y Kim, Final Ed. Revise CV_Resume--pro Tek.Systems
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 14:12:47 -0400
Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D
1 Mayhew Ave
Larchmont, NY 10583
City University of New York Graduate Center---1995-2010--Ph.D Criminal Justice & Criminology/Cyber-Security
& Research Methodology + Mixed (Quantitative--Qualitative Models of General Intelligence + Investigative Models
for International, Federal + State + Local Cyber-Defense + Prevention of Cyber-Crime, Terrorism + Warfare
Mentor--Dr Prof F.Warren Ned Benton, Advisor-- Dr Prof John Ian Kleinig---Advisor--Adina Schwartz, JD, Ph.D
+++++Ph.D Thesis--"Cyber-Surveillance: A Case Study in Policy & Development"
Liason Contact w. Director--Consortium of National Security + Risk Analysis- Kenen Inst. of Engineering & Mathematical Statistics: Duke, University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill, North Carolina State=Dept. of Statistics
Audited MS in Cyber-Criminological Inter-Disciplinary Studies w. Dr Richard Lovely, Program Director--MS. Forensic Computing & Cyber-Security, John Jay College & Studied with Prof Michael Fabozzi, NYP Captain/Commander-US Federal Marshall & Consultant to FBI Sponsored (Cyber-Crime, Terrorism, + Warfare @ Dartmouth College--)
Recruited to Stanford's Professional Development Open Source + Access for ADVANCED CYBER-SECURTITY ANALYSIS--CERTIFICATION L.I.C.--by Ash Snow, Program Cordinator--PCS--
M.Phil--City University of New York Graduate Center--Oral Fields Specialization---Philosophy of Social Science & Penal Theory + Policy+Research Design Methods--Chair--Mentor--Adina Schwartz, JD, PhD, Micheal Jacobson,
Ph.D, Dennis Kenney, Ph.D
MA, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)--In re Cultural Criticism of 19 C. Anglo-French Criminology + Behavioral Science--Mentor--Dr Mary Gibson
New York University, BA-Highest Departmental Honors + Undeclared Minor--English & American Literature, Philosophy, Latin Classics,
Asian Studies--1995
Awards + Achievement--Undergraduate Honors Studies
NYU College of Arts & Science Scholarship (Tuition Remission), 1980-90'
Selection for Nomination to a Rhodes Scholarship, 1993
Phi Beta Kappa, 1994
Foundation & University Scholar Award, 1994
PhD Program in Criminal Justice & Criminology @ John Jay College of Criminal Justice & Criminology
Robert E. Gilleece Fellow--1995-200
University Teaching Fellow--2000-2003
Research Fellow 20010 (Open)--Present
Viz. Associate Research Faculty Fellow
PhD Dissertation: "Cyber-Surveillance: A Case Study in Policy & Development" won a National Award for top
Ph.D Research + "Influence" & with U of HK + (Chinese Library--UHK, Tawain National University + Free Independent Zone "alter" Red Land China--
Recruited to Harvard Divinity School--(sic anon--Dr John Maynard (Chair--Emeritus-NYU English Dept + Dr Roger Deakins, Society of Harvard Fellows) by Associate Dean of Admission--Ms Adele Shin (2014 Winter), MDIV, STM--& Yale Divinity School--Berkeley Episcopal Theological Seminary--MDIV, STM--Assist. Dean of Admissions--Robert McVoy---
APPS (Cand.) Foundation House/Oxford University, Christ Church College--Advanced Cognate in Fields=PhD Theological Studies--Thesis--"Quantum--Relative Structures of Belief+ Medieval Sources of Historiagrophy of Christian Pesonialism (Roman & Anglicanism) + Fundamental Sacral Interpretion of Won Hyo & Nichiren Liberal Interpretiation of "Awakening of
Faith Sutra: Commentary"
RA--to Dr Barry Latzer--data collection for his Treatise on State Constitutional Law/Constitutional Law + Death Penalty 1995--2000
RA--Dr Robert Sullivan, data collection, as doctoral reviewer of his (work in progress) on Politics, Philosophy & Crime, 1995-2000
RA--Distinguished Visiting Professor--Gilbert Geis, Past President of American Society of Criminal Justice (Archival Reserarch+
RA--Distinguished Broeklundian Prof. Robert Kelly, National Science Faculty Fellow--in re Map of Human Traffiking Trade from China, Europe to West to America--
RA--William Heffernan, JD, Ph.D--Director, MA Criminal Justice Program---"Issues in Constitutional Interpretation of Privacy"--did data collection of Extensive/Intensive cases--published University of Wisconsin Law Rev.--V 7. Spring, 2000
Teaching Couses Taught @ 2000--2009-
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Criminal Justice 101 @ John Jay College
Law & Society Jr/Sr Elective@Fordham University
Law Society & Civil Rights (Jr/Sr Elective)@ Hunter College
Public Administration 101@John Jay College_
Courts & the Judicial System, Jr/Sr Elective@John Jay College
Social Deviance @Fordham University
Law & Society @St Thomas Aquinas College--NYU
Computer Applications in Criminal Justice--co-taught--with Prof. Margret
"Maggie" Smith
Appointed as Adjunct Advanced Doctoral Dissertation Mentor--North Central University--
Center for NSA + Homeland Security & Graduate School of Excellence--
courses assigned 1)Criminal Justice Ethics, 2)Trans-national Organized Crime, 3)CSI: Procedure, Evidence-Penal Law+ Jurisprudence of Forensic (both Criminal + Civil) Prosecution + Defense--4)Webinar: 1-to-1 Orals Fields to Mentor, ABD Reserch for Dissertation Proposal Defense (Declined)
Received a Letter of Commendation by Senior Vice President of John Jay College for excellence in teaching & lecturing promoted meto be a candidate to teach Research Methods 101 in PAD, MPA via Dr Natasha Frost-------------
Received a Letter of Commendation by the Chair for Excellence + Teaching + Lecturing, Hunter College, CUNY
My Dissertation has been sold on global WWW USA, England, India, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany & Canada, Australia, France + Italy, Sweden, Italy, Australia, University of Hong Kong, (WWW, Viz., Library of China w. E--or Print Media Textbook Retailers +
As also with (Italian Library--Booksellers, France, as with contract of 3rd Party Retail Market Publisher+
in which I have received a national award from the US Department of Education---Published by Verlag, Marburg + Munich----, Amazon.UK,, Indigo Publisher & Division of TA--TA MOTORS, BOMBAY--E. India Company---
Google Ad Preference--NSA.COM, UNIX/LYNXIS, Oracle, SISCO, Foreign Policy Review, Cyber-Policy, Foreign Relations
Rand White Paper's--"In Athena's Company" + Public Source--
ranked by E-Digital Library--"As in the case+++a new literature of facts (VIZ., Roger Deakin's understandings Social-Literary & Political Media---as Meta--Ficition/Narrative/Theatre--see--Harold Bloom's on the "Melancholy of grave illness
of Morbid Bile of the Organs--(internal Chinese Medicine of dysfunction of the kidney + liver) with Bloom's Land Mark
Text: THE MAP OF MISREADING--as new Critical "Norton" Editorial Reading of Intelligence Function--to which
we are left with "Drones" + Machine Clones---"all things said, ceteris paribus--as "Journalistic Reportage in
communicado--with Roger Deakins+ Post-Structural Narrative of MACBETH--&PURJURED EYE--"Toward a True Sense
of "Deconstruction" & Undertanding Texts of the "Allegory of Evil + Battle with all that is "Evil" leading to death of
innocence, goodness, wholeness as SANCTURARY of the Victim, wounded, and poor--oppressed + marginalized----
Classified White Papers, w. NARUS---Boeing, Global Multi-International----(Summer Article in Wall Street Journal 11-12' in re ending the Terrorist + Corrupt Regime of Col. Kaddafi--Panama--S. America---)under clearance from Dr Prof Warren Ned Benton++++++++--Chair + Director Public Management + Policy+ PhD Director of Inspector-General Global, US Federal + State Legal Auditing + Monitoring Legal + Judicial + Prison Oversight Management--MS in Data Intelligence Management, Brandeis University--MS Cyber-Scurity, John Hopkins, MS Program in Cyber--Security, Penn-State. Sacred Heart University---BS.MS-Cyber-Security & Risk Analysis, U of Virginia-MS. Cyber-Intelligence Management, Sacred Heart College
University of Maryland-University College, BS/MS Cyber_Security + Intelligence Management
Sponsored by Dept. of Defense.
Promotion in Advance Promise
(Texts under Contract Review--w. Submission of Abstract + 1-2 3 Chapters
Quantum Asiatic Logic (for query to Harvard U Press, & or MIT Press & NYU Press) (Book Categories), (Book Categories), (Book Categories)
Quantum Application: Operational Systems Analysis for Security + Privacy Concerns & Issues---[Cloud Computing
+Encryption]--"Under Contract Review--" Springer & Verlag" Senior Acquisition Editor--Ties Nijssen
Emerging Political + Social Theory= Intermesh of Quantum Logic + Indic Discourses of Classical Indic & Ortho-Doxastic
Tetralemma Balance with National Security & Privacy--" Cambridge UP) Robert Dreesen + Amanda Smith
Compendium + Teaching Manual for the Reading Course (in Progress) 5 Vol.--of "Surveillance, Crime & Philosophy & Culture" & Shared Books--in Partnership with Princeton U, U of Chicago & Routledge + Francis & Taylor--promoted at as E-Trade Academic Reference Manual---
SY R/ONLINE REFERENCE/wiki--AECYCLOPEDIA-Syracuse Law School with Co-Joint Program in Law + Policy (infra Maxwell School of Public Management + Policy---+ Newly Established Strategic Center-(Division of Cyber-Crime, Terrorism, & Warfare-----------------------
Made 5 Vol. towards a Teaching Primer + Code Book to using the SCPC (a course blog Reading Text by in Process with Google.Publication+SharedBooks in Partnership w. Princeton UP, U of Chicago Press, Routledge & Francis & Taylor Books
Abstract + Concept Paper submitted to International Journal of Cyber-Criminology--"North Korean Crisis-South Korean + USA Shield Policy & Frame Analysis of Dept. of Defense, (and now submitted)=Secretary of State--(accepted in 30 Minutes from India + London) Summer 2011
Abstract Accepted--NISTA/PISTA--"History of Electronic Wire Surveillance from early 20th Century to Cyber-Surveillance of the Future."
Voted in by Google Blog Addressing National Security +Privacy (as complimentary Balance) of NS interests+ Expectation (Both Individual Liberties Interests + Infrastrutural Private to Public Interests +Agency Analysis--
Ranked 10 out of a Group Blogs of Top 20 Journals
E-Digital Library--"RANKED PERFECT 5 OUT OF 5, AS "Genius Dissertation of.......of NEO-LITERATURA FACTIONIS" (Facts)
Membership & Association
Philosophy of Logic (Wiki Project,
Ideogram (International Society of Logic of Language + Linguistics)
Abbot Society (Monastic Philosophy of "Tradition of Cenebitic Monasticism
Order of Hermits--SS Thomas & Bartholomew-of Churches of Asia--
Shin-Ran Society, Kyoto, Kamakura (Dharma.Net)
Applied Logic Group--List.serv. Member & Recruiter to (University of London Consortium on Applied, Systems,
Problem + Decision Making AL--Syntax + Grammars as Rule of Logic
transcendental + realism (as immanence) both recursively
referential as signifying nominalism, but realist (in action philosophy of the Late
Oxford U, Balliol College--Distinguished Prof. Joseph Raz + John Guiness---)
Now Recruiter
International Society of Wing Chun Kung Fu & School of Chinese Martial +
Temple Style Han Moo Kwan (Chinese + Mongolian Style of Tae Kwon Do
Temple Style Han Moo Kwan (Chinese + Mongolian Style of Tae Kwon Do
Hong Kong + Vancouver, Taiwan, Europe, San Francisico, NY, NY---
attn: Great Grand Master David Kwan--Dae Dae Sifu--- Philosophy
with Training of Benedictine OSB Monks in Meditative Movenent + Internal
Tai Chi Forms--under the Supervision the Twin Brothers, Great Grand-Masters
Phi Beta Kappa
Google Directory of Religious Studies, Philosophy, Theology Blogs-& Journals
list in Google Archive in re Oriental & East Rite Churches (of all Confessions + mainly
SIno-Korean Latin w. Church of Rome, + Anglican Church of Korea via Church of
England attn: Federation of 5 Tiger Nations w Episcopal Church of Asia--- Anglican Google. WWW-----
Google Directory of Compendium & List of Hinayana + Mayahana Open Source'
& Access of Classical Modern Buddhist Texts + Sutrua, Koans + Buddhist
Community of Monks & Priest of Conjugal Orders--+ Celibate
Senior Cyber-Contract Consultant/Analyst--US Naval.Mil.Intel-DIA, DoD
attn: Ms Laura Grubb-Executive Administrative Assistant to High Admiral
(Director) Cyber-Intelligence, Terrorism & Warfare-------
References Available on Request
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Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D 1 Mayhew Ave Larchmont, NY 10583 914--888-6565 Education City University of New York Graduate Center---1995-2010--Ph.D Criminal Justice & Criminology/Cyber-Security & Research M
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