Saturday, December 14, 2013

To & For with Love & Gratias to Dean James P. Levine, & DULLES/BENTON/LEVINE/KLEINIG/GIBSON/KIM-WANG/CZECHOWICZ/MAYNARD--DEAKINS--TUCKER INST. INST---Advancement of Criminal Justice (Emeritus)--"Of the font of Jerasulem, of Transmutation of Infirm Glory to the Sign of Turrica Davidica"



To & For with Love & Gratias to Dean James P. Levine--"Of the font of Jerasulem, of Transmutation of Infirm Glory to the Sign of Turrica Davidica"


On researh methodology in re to philosophy, values & inquiries--
Is a          criminologist's best  mind is placed in a vat,
as materialist correlation to a heart of stone,
as             logical positivism has been, by synthesis--overcoming
between  the boundary of socially engineered faith--
in liberation and resistance of therapeutic holism--
understood by those who are made in good conscience & form
destroy    times--as suffering wounds among the ranks of
poor, working laboring classes, and the indifferent, self-satisfied
wealthiest of wealthiest. Which would you choose, if Confucius\
admonished--"Poverty is the Mother of crime."
Who by what social scientific theory & model of creation--
can resolve this problem from the Primordial vision & foresight\
 of the Hebrew Prophets,
that the Tribes and Clans of Jews, only know toO well.

I became confused:
Because I was  not a Jew--

"Time the Destroyer, & ['Painful Teacher']---" Annotated--as Roger Deakins in conversation says--(1994)

To continue on and forward to what is not a death march--
but sign nof (Verstehen) and (Leibensweld) toward Death--
until                as St. Paul said--"ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED."
The Resurrection of Davidic Convenant, made pass Lost Time-
found in the Lotos Levies of the Eastern__Easter Church--

Left to what one can do--but pay the rent,
what is     left of the business of Criminal Justice;
as              prophetic calling to Hebrew Scriptures
as First***Times, that the Eternal Jew--whom the
Wrath        of God, will fall against a Covenant & Second
Convenant and All Holy Peoples & Saints, whether
Elders      of the Tribal, Clan & Kinship, where there
to be               a holy & perfect Faith, will destroy.
those              slay the Innocence of Innocents.

In the         White and Money Trails, & 7 Deadly Sins,
there         is not much to claim--than you've woven a web--

of                  Quine's ontology of relation between mathematical language-

to which Heidegger, Rosensweig, Buber, Tillich, Leibniz,  Pascal, Rahner--
was             Hegel & Husserl's phenomenology of spirit and Logic --foundation of arithemetic--to which Foundation of Calculus of Carnap or philo--mechanics of probality was
the deep Austrian--Asiatic Logic and algebra of Wittgenstein-in Greco-Roman letters, of Chairos In Temporae--which too theoretical to a Korean Engineer & TO THOSE, AS METONYM--AS PART NOT AS WHOLE AS PSYCHO-ANALYTIC CENTER OF THE WEIGHT OF THE GESTALT--Lawyers and Judges of Avatar of corruption, blood thirst, and  money and the Cross Global Criminal Justice System-without Rule of Law--no long enforced--now passes as Horse--shit, with  gnats and flies feeding off the dung hill---would pass as philosophical legal rules of nonsense & bullshit--of which one answers to a solipsistic sense as Schopenauer renunciation of self-which bears WHAT IS "HOLY"  in God--other than Silence of Hearte which is neither, absent or present, but here& there--& Lingua Franca o the Body & Soul of no-speech, and emptiness as Silence of God---(RCF-RAIMON PANNIKAR---UNKNOWN GOD OF HINDUISM, SILENCE OF GOD: ANSWER OF THE BUDDHA; PALEANDRITHIC COSMOGNY--& LORD CARDINAL AVERY DULLES, S.J**** WHO NEVER FAILED TO INVITE ME TO DIVINE LITURGY, WHILE I HELD THE DOOR OF THE LADY CHAPEL AT PRIESTLY RESIDENCE--SPELLMAN HALL OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS--HIS TRANSCENDENTAL THEOLOGY OF A CATHOLICISM OF FAITH, A SYMBOLS, MODELS OF REVELATION, AND OF CHURCH, AND THE "CATHOLICITY OF THE CHURCH--WHO PRAYED FOR ME WHEN I WAS ILL, WITHOUT MY SAYING ONE WORD TO HIM--"


Alterissumus, Mongol Race--ancestral faith-Animistical Shamanism, Buddhism, Eastern Catholicism, and Islam  of the   
Voyage oof SS, OSSTB--SS. Thomas & Bartholomew--India & China of Dong-Yi (Puyo--  descent of Korea & Japan)--Israel, where as a counter--
hypothesis---Thomas---was Martyred in Traveling back to Jerasulem, the Holiest of the Holies City---

To                   begin what has not been started, but seeing that Time always stands still--"Of a Vertical
Time, between--YHWH, and the Divinities & personalist, & spiritual of thine."

To a man who saved me from suicidal morbidity, I pay among the Highest Tribute to Dean James P. Levine!

John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ CUNY Graduate Center


On researh methodlogy in re to philosphy, values & inquiries--
Is a          criminologist best  minds are placed in a vat,
as materialist correlation to a heart of stone,
as             logical positivism has been, by synthesis--overcoming
between  the boundary of socially engineered faith--
in liberation and resistance of therapeutic holism--
understood by those who are made in good coscience & form
destroy    times--as suffering sufferents among the ranks of
poor, working laboring classes, and the indifferent, self-satisfied
wealthiest of wealthiest. Which would you choose, if Confucius\
admonished--"Poverty is the Mother of criminals."
Who by what social scientific theory & model of creation--
can resolve this problem from the Primordial of the Hebrew Prophets,
that the Tribes and Clans of Jews, only know too well.

I became confused:
Because I was  not a Jew--

"Time the Destroyer, & Painful Teacher---"

To continue on and forward to what is not a death march--
but sign nof (Verstehen) and (Leibenwelds) toward Death--
until                as St. Paul said--"ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED."
The Resurrection of Davidic Convenant, made pass Lost Time-
found in the Lotos Levies of the Eastern__Easter Church--

Left to what one can do--but pay the rent,
what is     left of the business of Criminal Justice;
as              prophetic calling to Hebrew Scriptures
as First***Times, that the Eternal Jew--whom the
Wrath        of God, will fall against a Covenant & Second
Convenant and All Holy Peoples & Saints, whether
Elders      of the Tribal, Clan & Kinship, where there
to be               a holy & perfect Faith, will destroy.
those              slay the Innocent of Innocent.

In the         White and Money Trails, & 7 Deadly Sins,
there         is not much to claim--than you've woven a web--

of                  Quine's onotology of relation between mathematical language-

to which Heideger, Rosensweig, Buber, Tillich, Leibniz Pascal, Rahner--
was             Hegel phenomenology of spirit and Logic & Language & Mind---

Alterissumus, Mongol Race--ancestral faith-Animistical Shamanism, Buddhism, Eastern Cathocism, and Islam  of the   
Voyage oof SS, OSTB--SS. Thomas & Bartholomew--India & China--Israel, where as a counter--
hypothesis---Thomas---was Martyred in Traveling back to Jerasulem, the Holiest of the Holies City---

To                   begin what has not been started, but seeing that Time always stands still--"Of a Vertical
Time, between--YHWH, and the Divinities & personalist, & spiritual of thine."

To a man who saved me from suicidal morbidity, I pay among the Higest Tribute to Dean James P. Levine!

John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ CUNY Graduate Center

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Koryeo(Executive) Senior Editor, Robert Turly--Asian Art & Humanities

R.S.Y Kim, Ph.D., Order & Society of SS. Thomas and Bartholomew, who studied Law,_LIT, Math @ NYU; John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY Graduate Center Research Foundation Fellow (Dept.Management, Law, Criminal Justice; CO-Editor-BEN LIU, BROWN U< West/East PSYCH: Senior Math/Stats Editor, Editor. S. VAN BEVERHAUT; Assoc. Communications Ed. Michael Reyes, Hamilton College: Hon. Supreme THEORETICAL MATHEMATICS ED. ALGIRDAS.T. University at LITHUANIA-POLAND;Film Editor-"Voltaire," SUNY-BINGHAMTON U. SR Assoc. Math.Ed. Arsen Yakubov, U of Israel-Princeton U----Advisory Board--Gautam Ramakrishna, MD,(EMERITUS) Executive Secretary, Nada Pues Nada (Mayo Clinic Research Group)- C. Lieberman, PhD, NYPD, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Investigation and Policing Philosophy, John Jay College-University of New Haven(EMERITUS) *AFFIL=DULLES/BENTON/KLEINIG/SCHWARTZ/LEVINE/KIM/WANG PAN AMERICAN-ASIAN INSTITUTE FOR PEACE, WAR, ECONOMICS & JUSTICE-Legal and Political Advisor: Barry Latzer, JD, PhD (EMERITUS); ; ;Nicholas Birns PhD GPBNEW SCH0OL U=Executive V. President, B.Liu. Senior Ed. Glen Slaby--