Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Eve of Christmas Tide via Face Book Account & Mutual Friends in India--Yule Tide Carol---

To & For my Joyful, of the Indo--spiritualis aesthetica of the heart of India-Christmas in India's-Facebook account, who celebrate--A Feliz Navidad to you all--
Happy Wondrous & Beatissisma Feast of the Nativity.\From a daughter of Ashoka the Great, and to daughters of Mary, the Mother of God (St Monica, my Mother's Patron Saint, and my Devotion to St. Augustine of Hippo)--A Happy New Year, with all and every blessing from Above
"GIVE, AND DON'T COUNT THE COST."--St. Ignatius Loyola, Society of Jesus

TO BEAR THE "Burning Babe" in Our Hearte of Hearts.

OR HATRED TO LIFE, AND STRUCTURES OF Transcendental of Belief: of Faith & Reason
As in Logos of the Dharma & Do (Way) as "truth is truth."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

To & For Dr. Prof. Director, Chair & my Deus-Pater--Lingua Literaturae (Crimson-Violets)--John Maynard--with gratitude & love--"Methuselah's Sacrifice of Real Words: A Crypt--Sacra Biblia, History & Narrative as Puzzle"

----------Original Message----------
Suffer onto the West-
the White  Skinned-(Clad)
Hordes went East--
gate of Austria+ Hungary
Mongols trail China,
where Huns have made
their dwelling in Rome+
of the howling chant
of Islam &
by Indo-European-
of Nepal to & for under
the veil of Old Choson+
before the Jumon Period
of an Abraham & God of
Issac & Jacob, and spinning
wheel in sky of impending
doom, and Lotus Flower Bloom-
of the True Swastika of Greece
&Shaolin, Pulguksa, Puyo--
Kyoto & Kamakura+Temple
of the silence of unscathed swords+
Tribe, and Cognate
Clan left the Skin
of Tigers as Destruktion--
language of variant
unversal grammar & syntax
unifies the form of what
is occular--as to see &
Nothing left to write
or contemplate---the Abyss of Primordial
Time--without a foundation,
without Pillars of
scaffold of tradition--
but the language of
Methuselah, who promised
his sacrifice to the gods--
a young daughter---;
When he spoke--did
he  not all ready commit
to an act--whether for
the proportionality to
satisfy himself or
the gods---
as it works out--that
a man known for his
wisdom, became so
foolish to offer
a wage of blood lineage
to random chance--
his loss so grave--
or he had to survive--
if so, how & now;
Once spoken-
to trace a word--
to its origins-
with nomadic exiles,
after departures--
reprieve of wailing
to God__Head of Sunyatta-
where there is no infinite space,
but imprisoned in convicts' alley--
& Parsifal be Assumed to Heaven-
as Galahad,
will pray for Nietzsche for
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra";
as to give him a letter &

Friday, December 20, 2013

"Toward a Philosphical Proleptic/Gnosis"----To & For Dr. Prof. Chair-- Mary Gibson, MA in Criminal Justice Histoireography- W. Adina Schwartz, JD, PhD, M.Phil, "A Frame of Untangible History & Quanta of Faith as Made Evident in Time" & Lucia Tucker, MSW, MA, with love & gratitude---


The past in future time, were,
I, to recover from the wake of
history in Thy kingdom come--
bound by the receptacle--
of Chronos--the mundane & prosaic--
"wild orchid flower of time well spent,
but debauched by social controls"
of what in the dark corridor candles
of the palindrome of the doldrums,
never ending war against the body-
"mia sarx"--regenerates in split half lives of
(R.C.F. Rev'd Fr.Donald Keefe, S.J, Fordham
University--infra, op.cit. E. Nagel)
all our past lives imagined or real--
of infinite sub-sets of all sets, of soul enfleshed
overlapping universal sets of null sets of psistis-
Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. (Late) FU- Endowed Chair,
 Religion & Society, University Chapel)
 metempsychosis of good creation-(D. Keefe, S.J, supra cit.
Ernest Nagel--Godel & Philosophy-NYU Press, 1953)---
a stab tothe left ventricle, which records--
hours of flight, and destitute plight
of all who labor, immigrants, & the masses--
a solution of infinite regress--
but moves in future--a desire of
remedy to heal--the broken &
infirm image of Dei--
Oblatioque Cruciformae--
harboring travels, sails-
beyond the brink of despair--
for all time reconciled as one
(Il Yeo)--the Yellow Emperor
and his sages, doctors, and
martial philosophers, and legalist--
knew the verities of the meta-analytic
movements of infinite patterns,
or a processional fiat--of black dog
& decomposing most ghastly stench--
tViolence, Rapine & Conquest
Pillage  & Slavery of the Conquered--
the Victor writing History--
as a Puppet Stage and Masters--
no longer dwelling on Earth--
pray in the 7th Heavens;
all that shall be made well--
that War against all---in End Time
will be among the 10 wars--following
8 generations & more--to the
genesis of soil--girds the combatants
to question the verities of truth--
to openly challenge--while holding--
constant (via quantum--relative
leap of faith--of how Max Plank discovered
mirabilis dictu electro--magnetic
lepton waves in the West)

To history patterned by absolutes--
of Time, Space & Matter of
Divine Design--
the Fall of Nations that raises
a sword against others--to make
humanities pass through a mortal thread---
as to question the order
of  providential gravity--'
Babel fell & language & \
history--and disconnected--
end-game--of schizoid state
of survival of ranked marrow
bone of bones of
8 generations of triumph--
were God not to leave
tribe, clan, and kin-folk
to madness & folly--
as the common lineage
follow along the acta-pragmatica axis
ortho-doxstatic structure of belief---
neither denying faith nor reason,
science, or the arts--
Is Consolation to Public
Histoire of the Commons--
the Philosopher drunk in his
own reason & argument--
were he be real to the heart
of the matter--affirms
the serpent on Mt. Sinai, which
the dust, from the New
Eve & Adam--that
such windfall, pays the bills,
and rent, and can't complain
that you find more than you
can eat than a loaf of dry

Richard S.Y. Kim, OSSTB, PhD

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

To & For Christina E.H.C--"Be still & Rest of Peace Follows"-----


 Was there a woman that
knew the heart of my
spleen, as to relieve
my humors as
as she said--
in your retina--
after 5 unanimous
Here telling me
to be completely
still, til'
Fully rested+
were to pass unto
Second Gale--
and I was healed,
as broken shard--
ordered in fragmented
pieces f a proposal--.-
A healing touch
of Ukrainian Cross stitch,
as my relic & emblem--
greater to me than a Purple Heart./
Pax-et spirituo tuo--


 By the green blade of grass--
the cry of the Kayageum (i.e., the Kaya Lyre--which was to Kyoto"
a singer of song--
neither of heart break--but Weltaenshung (of the hearte-mind
of Pascal of Fiery Triangle of the Abyss of Trysagion of
the Heart of God__Emptiness, in the Kenosis of the Sonne--
Christ, and the Shakina of the Great Commandment of
Schema & the Gospel--
to preach the Gospel akin to TA_TA GA THA--of
Prajnamparamita--O Paramgate of the Hearte Sutra
of the Matreieya--of the Future & Ancestral

Is this Second Coming of Bzyantium--
or Assyrian Rite of Persia, India, and China
of the Martyred Nestorius---
where God was Made Flesh--
& Was Human, so you Christina--
& I share the Wastrel Bread of

II [3rd Veda of Primordial Past Apocalypse]

In the land yester-year, &
eternally Forevermore--
A kalpa of the Eschaton
of Vajra Apocalypse--
where within a Aeon--
the Order of Creation is
Destroyed  & Made New--
in quantum fractal
decibal circles of the lame,
blind, mute, deaf & of the paralytic
crown--"Go in faith, and offer
your sacrifice to God of Moses--
your faith has healed you."
Yet he ate with tax collectors,
sinners, & prostitutes,
For Sodom, will YHWHwill show more to
than Civitas Hominis
of Lawyers, Judges & Hypocrites

Mercy, to this destroyed city.

IV. [Ecclesia Orientalis--Spirutalisme----Ad Beatissima--Sanctissma Mater--Misercordiae--
Myong- Doenng, Miari Paris, Texas, Yoido, Korea (Sude)--SOBRO--
Ardsley0--Hartsdale/Larchmont, NY--a Boogie Down Bronx--

In this cast down, and stranger,
and exiled will all too find
a Sanctuary of Hope, & reparation
for their veiled & hidden suffering
to which Empires, Kingdoms &
 Sovereign States--
 have engaged
war, after war--where there is
now future hope of the Second
Coming, time, past, present & future--
in the Cycle of Ages, and Time
drawn from Paradisal Tree: West of Eden.

Richard  S.Y. Kim, OSSTB, PhD

Saturday, December 14, 2013

To & For with Love & Gratias to Dean James P. Levine, & DULLES/BENTON/LEVINE/KLEINIG/GIBSON/KIM-WANG/CZECHOWICZ/MAYNARD--DEAKINS--TUCKER INST. INST---Advancement of Criminal Justice (Emeritus)--"Of the font of Jerasulem, of Transmutation of Infirm Glory to the Sign of Turrica Davidica"



To & For with Love & Gratias to Dean James P. Levine--"Of the font of Jerasulem, of Transmutation of Infirm Glory to the Sign of Turrica Davidica"


On researh methodology in re to philosophy, values & inquiries--
Is a          criminologist's best  mind is placed in a vat,
as materialist correlation to a heart of stone,
as             logical positivism has been, by synthesis--overcoming
between  the boundary of socially engineered faith--
in liberation and resistance of therapeutic holism--
understood by those who are made in good conscience & form
destroy    times--as suffering wounds among the ranks of
poor, working laboring classes, and the indifferent, self-satisfied
wealthiest of wealthiest. Which would you choose, if Confucius\
admonished--"Poverty is the Mother of crime."
Who by what social scientific theory & model of creation--
can resolve this problem from the Primordial vision & foresight\
 of the Hebrew Prophets,
that the Tribes and Clans of Jews, only know toO well.

I became confused:
Because I was  not a Jew--

"Time the Destroyer, & ['Painful Teacher']---" Annotated--as Roger Deakins in conversation says--(1994)

To continue on and forward to what is not a death march--
but sign nof (Verstehen) and (Leibensweld) toward Death--
until                as St. Paul said--"ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED."
The Resurrection of Davidic Convenant, made pass Lost Time-
found in the Lotos Levies of the Eastern__Easter Church--

Left to what one can do--but pay the rent,
what is     left of the business of Criminal Justice;
as              prophetic calling to Hebrew Scriptures
as First***Times, that the Eternal Jew--whom the
Wrath        of God, will fall against a Covenant & Second
Convenant and All Holy Peoples & Saints, whether
Elders      of the Tribal, Clan & Kinship, where there
to be               a holy & perfect Faith, will destroy.
those              slay the Innocence of Innocents.

In the         White and Money Trails, & 7 Deadly Sins,
there         is not much to claim--than you've woven a web--

of                  Quine's ontology of relation between mathematical language-

to which Heidegger, Rosensweig, Buber, Tillich, Leibniz,  Pascal, Rahner--
was             Hegel & Husserl's phenomenology of spirit and Logic --foundation of arithemetic--to which Foundation of Calculus of Carnap or philo--mechanics of probality was
the deep Austrian--Asiatic Logic and algebra of Wittgenstein-in Greco-Roman letters, of Chairos In Temporae--which too theoretical to a Korean Engineer & TO THOSE, AS METONYM--AS PART NOT AS WHOLE AS PSYCHO-ANALYTIC CENTER OF THE WEIGHT OF THE GESTALT--Lawyers and Judges of Avatar of corruption, blood thirst, and  money and the Cross Global Criminal Justice System-without Rule of Law--no long enforced--now passes as Horse--shit, with  gnats and flies feeding off the dung hill---would pass as philosophical legal rules of nonsense & bullshit--of which one answers to a solipsistic sense as Schopenauer renunciation of self-which bears WHAT IS "HOLY"  in God--other than Silence of Hearte which is neither, absent or present, but here& there--& Lingua Franca o the Body & Soul of no-speech, and emptiness as Silence of God---(RCF-RAIMON PANNIKAR---UNKNOWN GOD OF HINDUISM, SILENCE OF GOD: ANSWER OF THE BUDDHA; PALEANDRITHIC COSMOGNY--& LORD CARDINAL AVERY DULLES, S.J**** WHO NEVER FAILED TO INVITE ME TO DIVINE LITURGY, WHILE I HELD THE DOOR OF THE LADY CHAPEL AT PRIESTLY RESIDENCE--SPELLMAN HALL OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS--HIS TRANSCENDENTAL THEOLOGY OF A CATHOLICISM OF FAITH, A SYMBOLS, MODELS OF REVELATION, AND OF CHURCH, AND THE "CATHOLICITY OF THE CHURCH--WHO PRAYED FOR ME WHEN I WAS ILL, WITHOUT MY SAYING ONE WORD TO HIM--"


Alterissumus, Mongol Race--ancestral faith-Animistical Shamanism, Buddhism, Eastern Catholicism, and Islam  of the   
Voyage oof SS, OSSTB--SS. Thomas & Bartholomew--India & China of Dong-Yi (Puyo--  descent of Korea & Japan)--Israel, where as a counter--
hypothesis---Thomas---was Martyred in Traveling back to Jerasulem, the Holiest of the Holies City---

To                   begin what has not been started, but seeing that Time always stands still--"Of a Vertical
Time, between--YHWH, and the Divinities & personalist, & spiritual of thine."

To a man who saved me from suicidal morbidity, I pay among the Highest Tribute to Dean James P. Levine!

John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ CUNY Graduate Center


On researh methodlogy in re to philosphy, values & inquiries--
Is a          criminologist best  minds are placed in a vat,
as materialist correlation to a heart of stone,
as             logical positivism has been, by synthesis--overcoming
between  the boundary of socially engineered faith--
in liberation and resistance of therapeutic holism--
understood by those who are made in good coscience & form
destroy    times--as suffering sufferents among the ranks of
poor, working laboring classes, and the indifferent, self-satisfied
wealthiest of wealthiest. Which would you choose, if Confucius\
admonished--"Poverty is the Mother of criminals."
Who by what social scientific theory & model of creation--
can resolve this problem from the Primordial of the Hebrew Prophets,
that the Tribes and Clans of Jews, only know too well.

I became confused:
Because I was  not a Jew--

"Time the Destroyer, & Painful Teacher---"

To continue on and forward to what is not a death march--
but sign nof (Verstehen) and (Leibenwelds) toward Death--
until                as St. Paul said--"ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED."
The Resurrection of Davidic Convenant, made pass Lost Time-
found in the Lotos Levies of the Eastern__Easter Church--

Left to what one can do--but pay the rent,
what is     left of the business of Criminal Justice;
as              prophetic calling to Hebrew Scriptures
as First***Times, that the Eternal Jew--whom the
Wrath        of God, will fall against a Covenant & Second
Convenant and All Holy Peoples & Saints, whether
Elders      of the Tribal, Clan & Kinship, where there
to be               a holy & perfect Faith, will destroy.
those              slay the Innocent of Innocent.

In the         White and Money Trails, & 7 Deadly Sins,
there         is not much to claim--than you've woven a web--

of                  Quine's onotology of relation between mathematical language-

to which Heideger, Rosensweig, Buber, Tillich, Leibniz Pascal, Rahner--
was             Hegel phenomenology of spirit and Logic & Language & Mind---

Alterissumus, Mongol Race--ancestral faith-Animistical Shamanism, Buddhism, Eastern Cathocism, and Islam  of the   
Voyage oof SS, OSTB--SS. Thomas & Bartholomew--India & China--Israel, where as a counter--
hypothesis---Thomas---was Martyred in Traveling back to Jerasulem, the Holiest of the Holies City---

To                   begin what has not been started, but seeing that Time always stands still--"Of a Vertical
Time, between--YHWH, and the Divinities & personalist, & spiritual of thine."

To a man who saved me from suicidal morbidity, I pay among the Higest Tribute to Dean James P. Levine!

John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ CUNY Graduate Center

Monday, December 9, 2013

Martin Heidegger--to & for my Lord Mayor of Village-Dr. Prof. Director & Chair----John Maynard---ATTN: What is Time & Objectivity of Private (???) Discernment--as "Now" in the "Present Moment"


"t=The now is a temporal phenomenon that belongs to time as within--time--ness:.... in 'which';
some things comes into being, passes away, or is objectively present"

Being & Time, Trans. Joan Stambaugh (Dr. Prof. Joan Stambaugh, a pupil of Heidegger, Hunter College, CUNY), 1996, SUNY Press--Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy--

How we can relate to an objective truth, if we are not subjects to and of others. Has not the grim resentiment of what J.P. Sartre quips--"Hell is Other People"---- presents problems of peace, justice, & forebearing manners of quieted and well mannered persons.

What Heidegger presents the germs of Jurgen Habermas's seminal & great work on inter-subjectivity as playing a resolve to to make work a Deliberative--Participatory (whether classical Liberal or Neo-Liberal Western Democracy, and in light of Heidegger's being (Da-Sein)  Ethics of Sorge--Care***of, perhaps, Social Welfare  -----esp. transformation in Reforms toward a  Western Model of "Social Safety Net---" in Asia & Africa.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

To & For, Primum Unum in Media Res-Boss & Supervisor----Dr. Prof. Chair--Director--F..W. Ned Benton the Great


To & For Dr. F. W. Benton--A truly great sui generis  Supervisor and Counselor & of Buddha, Tao & w. Virtue Philosophy of heart of Confucius, the Civil Servant of Reform

"What was your face before you were born?"-- Chan--Soen--Zen Koan

First there in the Crystalline Red Sea
a overwhelming forgetful cloud--came
over me--why did Abram--change
his name to Abraham--and erstwhile
Sacrafice Issac on the Altar--

Did Exodus follow the serial murder
of Moses, before the Law of God of
the Chosen People revealed,
that in his wrath, was broken--
at the idolatry of those who followed
the Fire and Pillars of Clouds--
in an Epiphany destroying
the Amakelites and Cananites-
to which Moses, still
atoning for His people, did not
enter the Promised Land--
which Jewish Scholars--
adumbrate was his Passion-
before primordial Sacrifice
so forth, hither to fore--
Slaying of Eternal Lamb--
before Time.

Went to NYU, when I was
all blue, and nothing nothing
of the consequence of what
was "Liberal" about a Liberal
Arts Education--

By my trip to Korea, made
me crypto--Presbyterian/Marxist-
at Miari, Paris--Texas, of the open
Sexual Tourism, inclusive of
the Sexual Slavery Trade,
here I said --"I will Destroy you Satan"--
only to admit the language of English--
without holding its syntax--grammar +
semantic claims of truth--hides
Her Divine Philosophy of Ezekiel--

Ave, Maria, plena gratia te cum:
Theotokos Afflictorum, ora pro
mihi & nobis--

Quis ut Deus//

and war against Babel/y--Lon--
in which the advent of Cyrus,
and the blood martyrdom of E-Z-E,
as with the Spinning Wheel off Fire,

Claims not the consistency of a rational God-
but the Being of God--which is the Terror of
Terror of Violating Law and between Damnation
and the Beatific Vision--and what is lost, and
found, there are no words, visions, apparitions,
voices, sight, and axis of representation--of
a 0 correspondence--

What is left, a call of my Endicronical Cardiologist-
who knows that all thing of the weakness of
a vulnerable frame, passes on to a greater
constitution, where there is not doubt, radical acceptance
of not at the drunken stupor of misery, but
the reconcilation (Jung-shin Toeng Il-sino-Korean_Buddhist Taoist--Confucian Mental Yoga--taught in Korea
at 3-4 y.o., which I was) of mind of a schizoid phantasm,
the cunning & deceit of a forked tongue, the counter-argument of not Agon, but Holy Indifferent
Silence of Ignatius Loyola  & His Generals--

The eschaton--in quantum-relative mathematical Vajrayana Yoga & Philosophy--in time travels, of the Dharma of
Natural Law of Toma  Aquina-All Time: Past, Present, & Future is Always Present, and shall be, until
Satan licks the dust, and is strapped to the posion of his delusions, that he and his demons has fooled us all, of an existential qualifier, that there is 1 person, has not failed, then the world we live in suffering all evils, by the Unconditioned One of Ancient of Days--It is am impossib;e to argue that in the Next Life--God has the final say--as said by Soren Kiekeggard in his Terse Essay on Divine Justice!

Richard SYCA Kim, PhD

To & For Dr. F. W. Benton--A truly great sui generis  Supervisor and Counselor & of Buddha, Tao & w. Virtue Philosophy of heart of Confucius, the Civil Servant of Reform

"What was your face before you were born?"--Chan--Cham-Seon--Zen Saying
To & For Dr. F. W. Benton--A truly great sui generis  Supervisor and Counselor & of Buddha, Tao & w. Virtue Philosophy of heart of Confucius, the Civil Servant of Reform

"What was your face before you were born?"-- Chan--Soen--Zen Koan

First there in the Crystalline Red Sea
a overwhelming forgetful cloud--came
over me--why did Abram--change
his name to Abraham--and erstwhile
Sacrafice Issac on the Altar--

Did Exodus follow the serial murder
of Moses, before the Law of God of
the Chosen People revealed,
that in his wrath, was broken--
at the idolatry of those who followed
the Fire and Pillars of Clouds--
in an Epiphany destroying
the Amakelites and Cananites-
to which Moses, still
atoning for His people, did not
enter the Promised Land--
which Jewish Scholars--
adumbrate was his Passion-
before primordial Sacrifice
so forth, hither to fore--
Slaying of Eternal Lamb--
before Time.

Went to NYU, when I was
all blue, and nothing nothing
of the consequence of what
was "Liberal" about a Liberal
Arts Education--

By my trip to Korea, made
me crypto--Presbyterian/Marxist-
at Miari, Paris--Texas, of the open
Sexual Tourism, inclusive of
the Sexual Slavery Trade,
here I said --"I will Destroy you Satan"--
only to admit the language of English--
without holding its syntax--grammar +
semantic claims of truth--hides
Her Divine Philosphy of Ezekiel--

Ave, Maria, plena gratia te cum:
Theotokos Afflictorum, ora pro
mihi & nobis--

Quis ut Deus//
and war against Babel/y--Lon--
in which the advent of Cyrus,
and the blood martyrdom of E-Z-E,
as with the Spinning Wheel off Fire,

Claims not the consistency of a rational God-
but the Being of God--which is the Terror of
Terror of Violating Law and between Damnation
and the Beatific Vision--and what is lost, and
found, there are no words, visions, apparitions,
voices, sight, and axis of representation--of
a 0 correspondence--

What is left, a call of my Endicronical Cardiologist-
who knows that all thing of the weakness of
a vulnerable frame, passes on to a greater
constitution, where there is not doubt, radical acceptance
of not at the drunken stupor of misery, but
the reconcilation (Jung-shin Toeng Il-sino-Korean_Buddhist Taoist--Confucian Mental Yoga--taught in Korea
at 3-4 y.o., which I was) of mind of a schizoid phantasm,
the cunning & deceit of a forked tongue, the counter-argument of not Agon, but Holy Indifferent
Silence of Ignatius Loyola  & His Generals--

The eschaton--in quantum-relative mathematical Vajrayana Yoga & Philosophy--in time travels, of the Dharma of
Natural Law of Toma  Aquina-All Time: Past, Present, & Future is Always Present, and shall be, until
Satan licks the dust, and is strapped to the posion of his delusions, that he and his demons has fooled us all, of an existential qualifier, that there is 1 person, has not failed, then the world we live in suffering all evils, by the Unconditioned One of Ancient of Days--It is am impossibe to argue that in the Next Life--God has the final say--as said by Soren Kiekeggard in his Terse Essay on Divine Justice!

Richard SYCA Kim, PhD

First there in the Crystalline Red Sea
a overwhelming forgetful cloud--came
over me--why did Abram--change
his name to Abraham--and erstwhile
Sacrafice Issac on the Altar--

Did Exodus follow the serial murder
of Moses, before the Law of God of
the Chosen People revealed,
that in his wrath, was broken--
at the idolary of those who followed
the Fire and Pillars of Clouds--
in an Epiphany destroying
the Amakelites and Cananites-
to which Moses, still
atoning for His people, did not
enter the Promised Land--
which Jewish Scholars--
adumbrate was his Passion-
before primordial Sacrifice
so forth, hither to fore--
Slaying of Eternal Lamb--
before Time.

Went to NYU, when I was
all blue, and nothing nothing
of the consequence of what
was "Liberal" about a Liberal
Arts Education--

By my trip to Korea, made
me crypto--Presybterian/Marxist-
at Miari, Paris--Texas, of the open
Sexual Tourism, inclusive of
the Sexual Slavery Trade,
here I said --"I will Destroy you Satan"--
only to admit the language of English--
without holding its syntax--grammar +
semantic claims of truth--hides
it Divine Philosphy of Ezekiel--
and war against Babel/y--Lon--
in which the advent of Cyrus,
and the blood martyrdom of E-Z-E,
as with the Spinning Wheel off Fire,
claims not the consistency of a rational God-
but the Being of God--which is the Terror of
Terror of Violating Law and between Damnation
and the Beatific Vision--and what is lost, and
found, there are no words, visions, apparitions,
voices, sight, and axis of representation--of
a 0 correspondence--

What is left, a call of my Endicronical Cardiologist-
who knows that all thing of the weakness of
a vulnerable frame, passes on to a greater
constitution, where there is not doubt, radical acceptance
of not at the drunken stupor of misery, but
the reconcila in Tae Kwon Do (ITF & WTF which I was) of mind of a schizoid phantasm,
the cunning & deceit of a forked tongue, the counter-argument of not Agon, but Holy Indifferent
Silence of Ignatius Loyola  & His Generals--

The eschaton--in quantum-relative mathematical Vajrayana Yoga & Philosophy--in time travels, of the Dharma of
Natural Law of Thoma  Aquino-All Time: Past, Present, & Future is Always Present, and shall be, until
Satan licks the dust, and is strapped to the posion of his delusions, that he and his demons has fooled us all, of an existential qualifier, that there is 1 person, has not failed, then the world we live in suffering all evils, by the Unconditioned One of Ancient of Days--It is am impossible to argue that in the Next Life--God has not the final say--as said by Soren Kiekeggard in his Terse Essay on Divine Justice!

Richard SYCA Kim, PhD

Sunday, December 1, 2013

For Shaun Van Beverhaudt--

To and for Shaun Van Beverhaut-my successor as Editor in Chief
SCPC Blog Journal--with co-Editor--

So you'll leave me, or I have left-you
with such genius as yours--the levy
doesn't break the damsels in distress-
with 50 Samurai Swords in the trunk
 of your Nissan Sentra Turbo--
did you ever retrieve them--
or did the Police hold you at revolver
point--by losing, and turning the
other cheek, we parry blows of
not vengeance, or malicious blood
thirst--but as Noble Savage we
arrive--were we first began--
In that Paradisal Garden--
without stricture or penalty
of the two Warrior Angels--guarding
the Tree of Life--
Perhaps, you would be let in--
because your mind is innocent--
where mine grows dark, but night;
not without Light-perhaps,
we shall meet when Dark Matter
of Milky Way-will extend to This or the Apocalypse
when we shall meet the True King--which he don't know
for he hid himself in the Empty God-Head of Being &
Kairos--Divinely Ordained Time found in a cheap, ordinary

Timex Watch!

Richard S.Y Kim

Koryeo(Executive) Senior Editor, Robert Turly--Asian Art & Humanities

R.S.Y Kim, Ph.D., Order & Society of SS. Thomas and Bartholomew, who studied Law,_LIT, Math @ NYU; John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY Graduate Center Research Foundation Fellow (Dept.Management, Law, Criminal Justice; CO-Editor-BEN LIU, BROWN U< West/East PSYCH: Senior Math/Stats Editor, Editor. S. VAN BEVERHAUT; Assoc. Communications Ed. Michael Reyes, Hamilton College: Hon. Supreme THEORETICAL MATHEMATICS ED. ALGIRDAS.T. University at LITHUANIA-POLAND;Film Editor-"Voltaire," SUNY-BINGHAMTON U. SR Assoc. Math.Ed. Arsen Yakubov, U of Israel-Princeton U----Advisory Board--Gautam Ramakrishna, MD,(EMERITUS) Executive Secretary, Nada Pues Nada (Mayo Clinic Research Group)- C. Lieberman, PhD, NYPD, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Investigation and Policing Philosophy, John Jay College-University of New Haven(EMERITUS) *AFFIL=DULLES/BENTON/KLEINIG/SCHWARTZ/LEVINE/KIM/WANG PAN AMERICAN-ASIAN INSTITUTE FOR PEACE, WAR, ECONOMICS & JUSTICE-Legal and Political Advisor: Barry Latzer, JD, PhD (EMERITUS); ; ;Nicholas Birns PhD GPBNEW SCH0OL U=Executive V. President, B.Liu. Senior Ed. Glen Slaby--