Friday, October 2, 2015

To & For Arya---Behold Woman & Child in Silence of the Bright White Rays of the Sonne----------------------


Action + Realist Post Liberal--Viision of India + Ardsley High School( Alumna) + SE Asiatic Syrian Catholicism of the Fruition of Belief in Light of All Consequence, But Love-Jin Shil Ahne Ne Sa Lam--Yoga of the Hearte--For Arya_____


You wrote on her Timeline.
As dew liken to the sea shore does not Sunne cry out for peace, justice & mercy set
the fire on the water.
Upon these hollow tomb stone written in Sanskrit & Sino-Korean + does the voice of
uncanny Banshee strike with their voices of terror--that once to love, all is never to keep, unless what that his perjured + purloined Ameythst-Emerald Eyes, of the Boe Sal Kwan Nim de Salve, Theotokos, crushes the head of the serpent, finds reality in the Unreal--& her presence guiding him to the Cantica of boundary to Heaven of the Ganges River--the leap of personhood with Body Resurrected in the Beatific Vision--we await the BANQUEST FEAST OF LOVE OF THE SAINTS!--How long must I wait you to see you--A ghost of Poe, and Book of Ezekiel & New Testament of Hope & Good News of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity!
Whether I to be a deaf man--it cries out your Name--Arya-Sa--Jose! Ave Maria, Salve Nos----

RSYACK--whether to remain OOSTB, Primatus??& remain  OSSTB, Society of Abbots

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