You unconsciously read my moth ridden pockets that I have spent 38,000 dollars on STARBUCKS java, and lattes, and so you in you mind of a savant, genius of Sarah Lawrence College Sociology Honors Student have passed with exceptionally oustanding marks on your thesis on sociologically structuralist roots of poverty and crime, that you have decided to study Famiily and Civil Law at UC Berkeley Law School. You're from Vegas, and you know not to bet against the house, but you have given my many complimentary java. Hoe I love you, and Berkeley's Mathematical Logic and Statistics Department, since I am a logician and stastisitician. Today is your last day at Starbucks, and we celebrated togeter by smoking Newports. Your are cutie vlond with a super smart Columbia, and Berkeley M|BA. My Aunt gave me an official UC Berkely cap before U.S. News Report premiere Ranking. I WIlL MiSs YOU, GLORIA, for you are my sweetness in my lemon drops. Adieu, savant of Starbucks!
Richard Kim
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