Sunday, January 4, 2015

On Nodes Primitive Early Church<------->Branch--Stem Theory + Hypothesis


To the High Elder Council of Dons + Donna Schola + Secularis Spirtualisme---(JJC & NYU)

Thank you for your wise counsel + advice, always+
My Mother was at B&N & read through the wholly "Other" John Kleinig, Lutheran Pastor--(Faith & Happiness)--With the notice that (Reveren'd Kleinig) of "Late" received his Ph.D in Philosphical Theology from Cambridge University, "Cambridge shire"-----of Benedictine Foundations of Monks of the Egyptian Desert Fathers + Matriarchs of Scete, Egypt--transmitted to St. Cassian  to Western Europe of France to Germany + England<--->in which the probable Moksha, Bikkhus + Arhats became Buddist, perhaps-----500 years of Ashoka the Great Years reign & His Great Penance from the Dark, Most Fiendish wages of Conquering Greece + Persia---confessing his sins of the War of Conquest to Primordial Abbidharma + Vinayana Buddhist (of Hindu + Buddhist Law)--2 Pillars of the more than  3,000  Sutras (by Far)--in which Won Hyo--wrote voluminously 12,000 pages of Unifying the Classical Chinese Buddhist Hermeneutics (which spread to China, Mongolia, Tibet & Japan-----from the Tripikata--still ever present below & and on a Mountian--Border of Pyong Yang 38" Parallel--DZ---the Whole Volume written In Classical Chinese + Sino_Korean + in Modern Korean for Lay with Pure Land (Common Folk) Buddhism-- & Zen (Cham-Seon)<----->which to  pass the Novice Period--visit South Korea from novice to Zen Master----approx.. 20 year to be liberal, and conservative----60's year<---->what is said of Chogye Order as "Neo-Buddhism" + now ever present + determined by Westerns + Academics pioneering studies of Zen Meditation + Logoi + Philosophy & Vajrayana/Shaolin of Tang--Silla Buddhism of the Court in China (Dharma Seal+ Supernal Transmission of Dharma+++as to Purge Yourself, as Buddhist believe
that must purge them selves of the Past Life to the which finally enter Nirvana/Nimbana------
Love, Peace, Justice & Mercy (IHS)---"Sacrifice of the Holy Mass" as not to extend the "Real Presence" of Body + Blood of Christ
Historical what is Catholic as for "tree & strains of Father of Apostolic Church" (not exclusive to Petrine + Pauline Apostolic Ministry-((As Nodal--Analysis--Branching +Stem Theo--:Logic of History + Church History---the Eastern Oriental Church?--Splinter++++ Group++++ SS James, John, Jude, Andrew, Barnabas, Thomas, Bartholomew, Mathew, Mark, Luke. And Not to Mention of E. Orthodoxy---
Sincerely, Most Respectfully, Cordially-

Richard SYCA K--

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