To & For Arya--whose accidental wanders upon my my Fellowship as Associate Research Faculty Fellow/
CUNY Graduate Center/Inter-Disciplinary-- Dept. Public Management--Philosophy/CRJ-IT/Economics---
You are so "beautiful." What is beauty, but Eyes of God00 in "hearte of the body--of emerald-sapphire of Gold--in the Agni of dispossesion, but great liberality of soul and giving to the who have less, or inhabit the Samsara of sentient being toward "Death" & Sorge(Care)--in communicado of who hold as "as what Beethoven" dubbed his reference to his "Mistress"--IMMORTAL BELOVED, as all whom I admire as a conceal CV-
To & For Arya--whose accidental wanders upon my my Fellowship as Associate Research Faculty Fellow/
CUNY Graduate Center/Inter-Disciplinary-- Dept. Public Management--Philosophy/CRJ-IT/Economics---
You are so "beautiful." What is beauty, but Eyes of God00 in "hearte of the body--of emerald-sapphire of Gold--in the Agni of dispossesion, but great liberality of soul and giving to the who have less, or inhabit the Samsara of sentient being toward "Death" & Sorge(Care)--in communicado of who hold as "as what Beethoven" dubbed his reference to his "Mistress"--IMMORTAL BELOVED, as all whom I admire as a conceal CV-
Richard Kimc 'concealed 57+++pp VC (Blog)-with help-Christina, Mary Gibson, Adina Schwartz, Mom, & all My Aunties & "Uncles" as child til now--thanks to my Mentors & Family & Ben & Ramakrisha, & Charles, Dr. Barry Latzer, Ned Benton, & J. Kleinig, J, Levine & J. Maynard + Roger L. Deakins & N. Birns--&friends from AHS, NYU, CUNY John Jay--
Richard Kimc ecce puella & pulchra, clemens + pieta PIA--Mater-figlia--of Ganges River in 12th Cantica/Circle of PARADISO-(rcf--Dante's PARADISO)--totus tuus--salve, theotokos, nos--Sino-Korean Latin Rite--18-19th C. Missions; so you illuminate
Richard Kimc & to rise to a Resurrection of more 7 ions of Kalpa in Eternity and Time--
ecce puella, pulchra + pia--of my Indo-Nepal line as "trace"--as missing
ecce puella, pulchra + pia--of my Indo-Nepal line as "trace"--as missing
Richard Kimc in the coat of arms-"Darkness into Sight" (r.c.f. BY Kim) Trans. USA & Seoul, S. Korea--
Richard Kimc what is the vision of the Roselotos in the Deer Park of the Tatagatha last "FLOWER SERMON"--O Makayasapa is Dharma, and true freedom--neither knowledge: but the Silence of God--what is held back as I refrain to see that flower dropping in Deer Park-is ...See More
Richard Kimc of the heart--in Romance and oblation to Ineffable Name + and binded to hope that we shall in good time, over a cup of ginger-jasmine teach + crysantheum wine--if will it see--eye to eye--hopefully shall meet in passage of quick time of morrows of new twigh light of renewal of lifeword (Liebensweld)--
Richard Kimc "teach"-"tea" * (White Root Ginseng Tea) *(which I gave to her for Christmas)--Aunty C.Czechowicz---Late Associate Director of John Jay College PhD Program--in matrix grid which I did not "opt" to or for to Princeton U-- MPA & Philosophy--to "hard" but "ever faithful" to John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY--Dept. Public Management, Criminal Justice, I-T, Philosophy Economics--
Richard Kimc I settled with U of Hongn Kong--Doctoral Research Member, U O HK/China Consortium--Oxford University & gate with Macau + HK gate of Catholic Missions since the Jouney of SS Thomas & Bartholmew--
Richard Kimc That is U of Hong Kong + City University of Hong--member, Digital PhD Dissertation, Member
Richard Kimc I can not doubt that GOD IS, and that you are truly beautiful! Let me know of how you "met" my correspondence (on Face Book>>>)
Richard Kimc Forgive me, Arya--if I have been already been intrigued of your prescence beyond the Atlantic + Trans-Pacific--Rim, to which
Richard Kimc if I were Submariner of Alantis I would swim to the Indian Ocean to meet & greet with stillness of the how St Augustine cried out to Our Father--"For so long I have burnt for Thy Peace1" in re his St Monica! Happy Birthday!
Richard Kimc Dear Arya Shi (honorific particle for pronouns in Korean)--it will be take 5-7 years to be fully operational with Profession, as a Legal-Social (Action & Post-Empiricist Methodological Philosopher + soon to short, or far to apply to Foundation House/Ox...See More
Richard Kimc But before anything--when fully solvent & in the block I would like to meet you, to see if we are compatible + well suited for one another--
Richard Kimc Dear Arya--will you ever write back to me, without any kind of "taint" that you are too young too begin a Trans=Pacific Relationship. I've found no women in my life as physically beautiful as you---or is this kind of Indian Trans-National Organized -in which you are A DOUBLE AGENT--a "MATA HAERI"
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