Wednesday, April 1, 2015

To & For Dr FWarren Ned Benton--"Fall from the Grace of Empires--at War+ Preface" + & Re-cursive Time Future+ Time Past+ Past Futuria to Present--Ch.6 --Middle (Hermit Kingdom of Korea) +War Against Wicked Corruption of Demons--Lords of Misrule---Parallax to "William Jamesian Multi-verse" (Harvard Medical School, Bio-Neurological + Philosophical Grand Sentinel of Philosophy of "Faith as Belief to Will to Be"---"Horor, Horor, Horor" As the Contra Positive of thrice Negative to Ordinary, Simple, Plain-Mundane back to Health--Psychological Philosopher of "Largesse + Greatness" as Now Present Time----


And Among of House of Inspector General--as King's Servant with a Chinese Brush & Spear--in which He who understands the crying & wailing of not Buddhism + Taoism + Confucian + or Christianity + Islam--Inspector-General Lee waged War under Veiled Secular + Holy Orders in which like Skull & Bones--was not the Model--but was Natural Law--to which the Peak of Corruption, Slave Trade + among the Most Wicked Aristocracy put the Rebels--to the Helpless + to Idealist of a HOLY KING--was as his Body--Mind & Heart, + Soul--diving + in Throes of Blue Wave + Salt of Eastern Sea--on the verge of Suicidal Ideation--in which Queen lost hope + committed suicide to which this Corruption of House of Nobles (Bankrupting the National Treasury) so did the Last Orders to Great Gand Master Yi-Tae Yoo--with his Clandestine--without any choice the Mercenary+ Assassins (__Order of Elemental Philosophy) of Sung Zen Buddhism--who said is "Nothing to Nothing is Greatness as one-a Humble Servant + Mistress, + Yes--Prostitutes+ Tax Collector--whomSupreme I-General in His  Nodal System of Re-Ordering--House of Intelligence + Investigation--Finance, + Academies of Sages MOST SECRETUS + Special Field Opps+ to defend the orphan,widow, and the helpless---What is Sacrifice when the whole Kingdom is corrupt---????(With Suicidal King) + captive Court--in which Inspector--Lee has Declared with--while breaking one Law of State + Indulging in any Sung Dynasty Courts, as privy customs + "kick-backs"------------------

Such that cowardly--Inspector---Generals sided + do the "devils' handy work" of now a Cancer in the Body --or Martyrdom (as a Sacrifice to Unknown God--with Orthodoxy + Heterodoxy --as Natural Ethical Practice to die for "truth" as never to oppress the poor & marginalized--or be filled with False Pride--living on the wages of Corruptor's Corruption---

To Be Continued---

by Richard S.Y. Kim
     Associate Research Faculty Fellow
     Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Medical Hiatus)
     CUNY Graduate Center
    John Jay College of Criminal Justice
    Divs. Public Management---Philosophy/CRJ__IT/Economics

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Koryeo(Executive) Senior Editor, Robert Turly--Asian Art & Humanities

R.S.Y Kim, Ph.D., Order & Society of SS. Thomas and Bartholomew, who studied Law,_LIT, Math @ NYU; John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY Graduate Center Research Foundation Fellow (Dept.Management, Law, Criminal Justice; CO-Editor-BEN LIU, BROWN U< West/East PSYCH: Senior Math/Stats Editor, Editor. S. VAN BEVERHAUT; Assoc. Communications Ed. Michael Reyes, Hamilton College: Hon. Supreme THEORETICAL MATHEMATICS ED. ALGIRDAS.T. University at LITHUANIA-POLAND;Film Editor-"Voltaire," SUNY-BINGHAMTON U. SR Assoc. Math.Ed. Arsen Yakubov, U of Israel-Princeton U----Advisory Board--Gautam Ramakrishna, MD,(EMERITUS) Executive Secretary, Nada Pues Nada (Mayo Clinic Research Group)- C. Lieberman, PhD, NYPD, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Investigation and Policing Philosophy, John Jay College-University of New Haven(EMERITUS) *AFFIL=DULLES/BENTON/KLEINIG/SCHWARTZ/LEVINE/KIM/WANG PAN AMERICAN-ASIAN INSTITUTE FOR PEACE, WAR, ECONOMICS & JUSTICE-Legal and Political Advisor: Barry Latzer, JD, PhD (EMERITUS); ; ;Nicholas Birns PhD GPBNEW SCH0OL U=Executive V. President, B.Liu. Senior Ed. Glen Slaby--