The holy Japanese Buddhist Abbott/ & having met St. Francis
said to his pupils "Hear, O Israel, God is One, you shall love him, with
all your
heart, strength, mind, spirit & soul."
"The Eternal Lamb Slain Before Time"
"War in Heaven + Boddhisattva-Angelic +
Warfare of the Triumph of Communion of the Saints-
in complete stillness--we do not write, or
speak, we say nothing--where truths to
be turned lies, and wisdom cast
in the desert of the barren waste land +
scorched earth of our making--
The Dharma Eye of Truth-Moksha +Satori + Zendo
+Sacrum Silentium--"Yes, I am--in truth, mercy + justice
of Apostle of Mercy Faustina + Avistoevshavara--
What is hope with signified + signifier=
"For you, if you keep my Precepts--
Your will my unwavering, faithful
servant--and Your Glory will
be Glory, & will glorify
you in MY GLORY."
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