Monday, June 27, 2011

To Lord Abbot Andrew Marr, Most Holy Rev. FR. OSB, and to Very Rev. Fr. Aelred Glidden and the Monks OSB of the Abbey of St. Gregory


What is the prophetiv witness of Father Richard Neauhaus that West has fallen under Babylon Exile and Captivity, were the Southern Non Western world is now the center of the beyond the gloal multitudie of Christians of all denomination Catholic, Protestants, and Eastern Rite.
Where I am a witness as apirant to Anglo-Korean Catholic Priesthood in the Episcopal Church/Catholic of the Church of England and the Via Media and the Revelatory Encyclical FIDES ET RATIO of INTERCULTURATION of GLOBAL CULTURES by Blessed JP the Great and Blessed Morther Teresa of Calcutta.
Where and who holds the entire Magnum Corpus of Legacy of Thomas Merton & the Inklings between Roman Catholiics and Anglicans.
It is found in the magisteral inspired writing and homliies  of compassion and prajnparamarita to reach to and pray in contemplation with intercession of Blessed Virgin Mother, that the diseased, the afflicted, the outcast, the stranger, prisoner, the wayward, and those whom we we have excluded from the whole of society, is the MOST HUMBLE PREACHING OF THE WORD OF GOD in Lord Abbot Andrew and the Prayers of Intercession for all the previous in the Abbey of St. Gregory.


The Unspokend Worrd of Unsaid Silence does not whisper to the eternal Silver Lake of the Lotos-Rose Blossoms.
The Sun and the stars and Moon dance in the Eternal Tree of Calvarry in the Resurrection of Our Lord with all all of Humanity, if we dare to disturb the universe and in simplicity OF BELIEF.
The Cathredral as emblem of ones Heart, were sword would pierced THEOTOKOS's Heart, as HER SON would be Sign of Contration to the end of all ages, where the Second Temple would be resurrected and built, and the Coming Eliihah, who restore all things, and Secoming of Christ would creat all things ANEW.

YWHW, God of Abraham, Issace and Jacob, Moses and David and Jesus, Salve Regina Maria, Coeilsi, Stella Maris, O Pia, O Dulcis, ORA PRO NOBIS

Richard S,Y, Kim, Order & Society of SS. Thomas & Bartholomew, Histoire Society, Lectio Divina/Shin Kyo

Circle, Square and Triangle of Abbots

Pan American Asian Inst.

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