Friday, January 9, 2015

To & for the 3.3 Millenia Exemplaria Figura on Philosophy of Science, Asiatic Buddhist-Taoist Logic of Mathematics--JUDAHISM + Christian as Oriental as Western Interpretation---Below PhD Research--as were I admitted to FH/Oxford U-Christ Church College--Advanced Cognate--Doctor of Theology----


Title of Ph.D--

JJC/CUNY GC--Dept. Public Management (Economics), Criminal Justice/I-T: Philosophy-
Application (cand.) FH/Oxford U-Christ Church College
incumbent on Acceptance-+++++++++-
"Quantum-Relative Structures of Belief, Christian Personalism &
Close Orthodoxastic Reading of "Awakening of Faith Sutra" (Won Hyo -Korea + Nicheren, Japan):
An Apocalypse of Hope + Mercy + Justice (Literary-Biblical Interpretation
of Revelation"
Supervisor: Dr John H. Morgan (Oxford Foundation, USA)-President-Karl Mannheim Professor
Advisor  Karl Rahner, S.J. Professor in Catholic Theology + Studies: Dr Billy Kidd, nSS
Advisor EW Danning -Dr Nietzke, Systems Management + Practical Theology--w. Problem Solving + Common
Sense School----of Faith------------------
In light of my wandering while very very ill--if to pursue this degree in God's will---I shall not
be resigned to complete another Ph.D---
Truly am Yours, Richard S.Y. Kim

All Rights Reserved,  January 9, 2015-Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D Affil. John Jay College of Criminal Justice/City University of New York Graduate Center + NYU Dept. English, Textual + Cultural Studies--

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Koryeo(Executive) Senior Editor, Robert Turly--Asian Art & Humanities

R.S.Y Kim, Ph.D., Order & Society of SS. Thomas and Bartholomew, who studied Law,_LIT, Math @ NYU; John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY Graduate Center Research Foundation Fellow (Dept.Management, Law, Criminal Justice; CO-Editor-BEN LIU, BROWN U< West/East PSYCH: Senior Math/Stats Editor, Editor. S. VAN BEVERHAUT; Assoc. Communications Ed. Michael Reyes, Hamilton College: Hon. Supreme THEORETICAL MATHEMATICS ED. ALGIRDAS.T. University at LITHUANIA-POLAND;Film Editor-"Voltaire," SUNY-BINGHAMTON U. SR Assoc. Math.Ed. Arsen Yakubov, U of Israel-Princeton U----Advisory Board--Gautam Ramakrishna, MD,(EMERITUS) Executive Secretary, Nada Pues Nada (Mayo Clinic Research Group)- C. Lieberman, PhD, NYPD, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Investigation and Policing Philosophy, John Jay College-University of New Haven(EMERITUS) *AFFIL=DULLES/BENTON/KLEINIG/SCHWARTZ/LEVINE/KIM/WANG PAN AMERICAN-ASIAN INSTITUTE FOR PEACE, WAR, ECONOMICS & JUSTICE-Legal and Political Advisor: Barry Latzer, JD, PhD (EMERITUS); ; ;Nicholas Birns PhD GPBNEW SCH0OL U=Executive V. President, B.Liu. Senior Ed. Glen Slaby--