Friday, October 25, 2013

"Of the Oasis of Being & SpiritL What Abbot the White Taught on All Hallow's Eve" to and for Rev'd Fr. Kazmierz Apollinar Piotr Kowalski, Rev'd Fr. Richard Terga, OLGC, NY, NY

Electro-magnetic divide of White Sky in the
Diamond/Light-Thunder Bolt of the Vehicle-
of Stark Purple-the sun rising and setting-
in the tears of his disciples of those who were
persecuted and made to suffer from wicked children
of the Church, which he reformed--\
the War which broke out in Jerasulem, and to visit
then Bethlehem-of the Dome, with spyres
of gold incense holder, a retainers St Anthony of Desert,
St Casian, and St. Beneditic of the Color of the Red,
and transparency of invisiblity of the sword
of Bernard Clairvaux, the White Cistercian,
who draws a sword to Hell fire of the Abyss-
He raised his body, and soul as a inward scabbard
and sword of the Holy Sprit,
blessing earth and heaven,
casting Satan and demons out,
by one finger of Christ pointing North,
iconic the indexical fingure of Buddha-
Palm and IL_YEO finger//of Mercy full of
Peace, embracing the Justice of God,
which corrupt man disavow and curse-
The Divine Merry of Christ, one God_
Head of Emptiness, without Origins,
and the Eternal Fire of the Holy Spirit,
not to temptation, but to the Glory
of a Kinodom, cast in shelters and caverns
of the poverty of hearth, and desert.

"What Abbot the White Taught"

Richard Sang Yeong Cyprianne A. Kim

of the Oasis of being, and Spirit (L.Edit: "Of the retainers of St. Anthony of the Desert, St. John Cassian,  St.Benedict,

& of the  Tatagatha, Boddhidharma, Hui Neng, Won Nyo, Nichiren, Chin Ul, Shinrayen, Ryoken, and Seung Sahn, Shun Ryu Suzuki--& ST. Andrew Tae Gyeon Kim,  Silla 

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