Thursday, December 23, 2010

On Very Late Foucault's Ascetic Neo-Humanism, Zen and Political Philosophy of the Dispossessed and "Social Control"

Why was metaphor of Late early Modernity for Foucault--Bentham's PANOPTICON in the mid to late 70's, and the Early Foucault's work, MADNESS and CIVILIZATION, a counter reading of Pre-Modern Medieval Europe, when Madness was accepted and looked upon with alms  giving and charity by the Church. Is it Foucault's indictment of the beginning stages of what he refers to the "Great Confinement" that the mentally ill, who could not produce fruits of labor, and were insane, locked up in prison cells.

2. Why did Foucault comment that psycho-analysis replaced the hermeneutics of the self of the religious confession of the Church in the modern times. Why did he give up his give up his work on writing about repressive power relations, to the his last work on Histoire Sexualitie and Care of Self, and Interpretative works on St. Cassian's monasticism of vigilance, and liberation theology of Latin America, though he was not a Marxist?

3. What was his interest in Japanese Soto Zen, when he lectured and had had dialogue with Buddhist monks on his philosophy in re Zen. What are everything I have stated above in relation to Foucault;s political philosophy to what Richard Wolin tags Foucualt as NEO_HUMANIST.

I don't have the anwers to these questions. I hope some one comes close!

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